Man Secretly Filmed His Co-Worker Alan For Months, and TikTok Can't Get Enough of It

Published March 13 2023, 5:31 p.m. ET
Now, this is entertainment! A TikTok account dubbed @turnaroundalan has been garnering a following for its hilarious Q&As between co-workers.
The account's creator, named John, has been filming his conversations with his colleague Alan, an older gentleman whom he sits across from at work. Usually, these chats consist of John asking Alan a random question. And trust us when we say that Alan never fails to have a legendary answer.
For example, John once asked Alan what his favorite word was. "Moist," Alan responded, adding that it was "because that's how I like 'em."
Other videos show Alan singing along to Kesha's "Timber," talking about his favorite Disney princess, sharing his thoughts on O.J. Simpson, and more.

While secretly filming, John would ask Alan all sorts of questions during the workday. Many of these questions were sent in by fans.
But up until recently, Alan didn't know he was being filmed (or so we thought!). The account's bio even reads: "account dedicated to seeing if my co-worker will notice I’m filming him."
You see, Alan usually didn't bother to turn his chair around while talking to John. The men would converse from across the room with their backs to each other. Alan's face was an enigma to all of TikTok.
But finally, John decided that it was time to come clean.
Alan's face has finally been revealed on the TikTok account @turnaroundalan.
The first video of Alan was posted on Dec. 29, 2022. It was on March 12, 2023, that John finally decided to come clean.
The men were on a business trip and were sharing a bunk bed. In the dark of the night, John slowly begins to tell Alan that he has two TikTok accounts. He explains that one is his personal account, and before he can finish his sentence, Alan chimes in with "and one's turnaroundalan."
Mic drop. Alan knew!
Alan explained that he had discovered the Instagram account for @turnaroundalan, where John had shared some — but definitely not all — content about Alan.
Alan said he never made a peep about it because he wanted to see if John would ever fess up. Overall, he didn't seem too upset by the account.
In the video above, we see Alan's face for the first time.
"I don’t know how to process his voice and face at the same time," wrote one user in the comments. Another opined: "This is the best day of 2023."
Since the epic reveal, a forward-facing Alan can be seen in all the recent videos. It's unclear if this account will continue posting now that the secret is out, but we really do hope that we'll continue to see Alan's face.
In one of his latest videos, Alan is seen dancing and listening to rap with his headphones. Fans can see that he is a totally different person when not sitting at his desk doing work.
Not to mention, the reveal made fans love Alan even more.
"Alan! Now that Alan can turn around, things have really gotten wild and it's better than I could have imagined," wrote one user.
Another comment read: "So glad he is enjoying this as much as we have been."