How to Find the Secret Final Boss in 'Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion'

Published May 3 2021, 6:57 p.m. ET

The adorable indie game Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is the right amount of simplicity and anarchy, all rolled up into one quick and easy title. You play as Turnip Boy, a walking and talking turnip who "forgot" to pay his property taxes on his greenhouse, leading to the town's mayor, Mayor Onion, to hold it ransom while Turnip Boy works off his debt.
As you run around completing various errands for the mayor in hopes of earning your greenhouse back, you'll rip up various documents you find along the way, many of them official tax-related documents. Because, you know, you're committing tax evasion.

The game is pretty straightforward, with few hidden treasures seasoned gamers are used to hunting for, making it a great game for even novice gamers. But completionists who hope to finish Turnip Boy will learn that the game's developers hid one final element before they can put the game away for good.
The game actually has a secret boss, and only by beating the secret boss will players be able to fully complete the game. But where is it? Here's what you need to know.
Players have to find all tax documents before competing against the final secret boss.
Before you can advance to the secret boss, you'll want to make sure that you've found all of the tax documents hidden around the map. To check, open the menu, and you'll see a scrolling list of various documents you have to rip up. The documents are listed in the order you should be able to find them in the game. Any that are labeled with "???" have yet to be found, and you'll want to go back to that area of the map to locate it.
If you've already gone up against Mayor Onion, then finding these missing documents becomes a bit easier. Following your success, the cave previously blocked by guards in Rocky Ramp will be unblocked. Inside is a cat who will give you riddles to the whereabouts of the missing artifacts and hats.
If you've already located all of the necessary documents, then in its place will be another heart container. You'll also need this to bring the game to 100 percent completion.

Here's how to locate the secret boss.
Once you've collected all of the other artifacts located in the game, you'll be able to unlock the secret boss. You might've noticed that even after beating Mayor Onion, you're still able to replay the boss battle even after the final credits have rolled.
You'll want to go back and beat Mayor Onion again. Once you've defeated him, he'll ascend, blowing up the nuclear bomb hidden in the basement of your greenhouse and becoming "God Onion."
To defeat him, you'll have to maneuver away from his onslaught of attacks while teaming up with his three IRS members. Kick bombs toward them to defeat God Onion. Once this is done, you'll have completed the game in its entirety.