This Mom Tweezed Her Baby's Eyebrows and the Internet Had Thoughts

Updated June 19 2019, 11:31 a.m. ET

Women have been conditioned throughout history to trim and shave, pluck and wax, to basically be smooth and hairless in order to make ourselves socially acceptable. Small children, let alone actual babies, should not have to be subjected to these bogus social norms or even have to give them a thought. And yet, here we are.
A woman with a 15-month-old daughter wanted to know if she was in the wrong for deciding to pluck her baby's eyebrows while she was asleep. She posed her question on the "Am I the A-hole?" subreddit, and let's just say people were quick to respond to this particular query.

She started the post by saying, "Throwaway account because I'm a regular in a few mommy subs and I kind of don't need them also judging me for this post." That's not the best sign. Sure, mom groups on the internet are basically the Olympic Games of judging people, but the fact that she knew she'd get judged for this leads me to believe that on some level she knew what she did was not cool.
"I gave birth 15 months ago to a beautiful baby girl," she continued. "She's always been hairy. It's nice in a way because she was born with hair on her head and she has really full eyelashes. But she also developed a unibrow. It was light at first. But over the last 4-5 months, it's gotten fairly prominent."

I myself was born with a head full of jet black hair. I've always been hairy. And I'm just grateful that my mom taught me about the ways in which I could curb that hairiness if I chose to when I was old enough to make that decision for myself. But anyway, I digress.
The post continues with this kicker: "For aethestic reasons, I decided to pluck [her unibrow] while she slept. If she woke up I would stop. I managed to get it all off in a couple days." She says this as if the fact that she sneakily did it while her daughter was sleeping made it better.
"I didn't really think of this as being a bad thing," she wrote. "But a fellow mom friend of mine...stopped by for a 'play date' a few days ago... She mentioned my daughter's eyebrows. I was honest and said I plucked the middle while she slept. She had this horrified look and said she was surprised that I did that. I didn't really know what to say, but obviously I felt a little insecure about my decision after that."

Uh, yeah. I would, too. The main question I would want to ask this woman is, "Would she have done the same thing if her daughter was a son?" The next question I would like to ask her is, "How could you not think a baby with a unibrow is adorable and take as many proud photos of your unibrowed baby as humanly possible?"
In addition to the fact that unibrows are nothing to be ashamed of and actually trendy these days, how about the fact that she's ashamed of her baby's appearance?! The responses were pretty unanimous that this woman was in fact an a-hole for plucking her 15-month-old daughter's eyebrows while she slept.

"Way to cement those self-esteem issues nice and early," AquaticDramatic sarcastically said. "10/10 parenting." Doogoon wrote, "The kid's unibrow makes ZERO difference to her experience as a baby, but her mom pulling out her hairs one by one because she isn't pretty enough is going to carry a lifetime of complications."
One commenter defended the mom, saying they were bullied for their unibrow when they were younger, and it was traumatizing. And yes, that's horrible. But a baby isn't going to be bullied by other babies for a unibrow because babies are blissfully unaware of our super messed up idea of what's socially acceptable. Also, they're probably just beginning to learn how to talk.
Wouldn't you like these little kids to remain blissfully unaware as long as possible? And then make their own decision when they're older? If this mom is already tweezing her baby's eyebrows, I'm scared that her vanity is going to crush this kid's spirit before she's even out of diapers.