People Can't Stop Laughing at Luther's Body From 'The Umbrella Academy'

Updated Feb. 21 2019, 11:52 a.m. ET

Netflix's latest show, The Umbrella Academy has comic book and superhero fans very, very excited. It tells the story of a group of adopted siblings who reunite later in life to discover who killed their foster father.
The source material from Dark Horse Comics is excellent fodder for any teleplay writer, and the show is generally getting rave reviews from critics and viewers alike. But there's one thing that people can't get over — and that's Luther's body from the show.
Being a show about people with special powers, of course you're going to have the odd-looking individual or crazy phenomenon. The Umbrella Academy's unique premise lends itself to this extra-level-layer of weirdness: 43 women on October 1st, 1989, all gave birth simultaneously around the world, despite not showing any symptoms of pregnancy before they went into labor. Seven of the kids (the show's main characters) were adopted by an eccentric billionaire, Sir Reginald Hargreeves, who turned them into a superhero team.
And while there's plenty of discussion to be had about rich dudes with money who decide to band together a bunch of misfits to solve the world's problems, people just keep going back to how dumb Luther's body looks in the show. My man's walking around doing his best Crash Bandicoot impression. It's sad.

People had a lot to say about the way the showrunners decided to show off his super strength. A lot of people, despite loving the show, are turned off by Luther's horrible looking floofy muscle suit.
Some made wonderful comparisons to the legendary "disdain-for-leg-day" man.

Others pointed out, correctly, that Luther is basically the enemy goombas in the excellent Super Mario Bros. big screen movie, featuring Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo (not pictured).

There were also an alarming number of people who found this Big Hero 6 looking bear online and discovered that yes, it was basically Luther from the show.

Like, so many people. How many buyers out there actually went out and got this thing? The dimensions on it are absolutely awful.

Of course Kanye's Roblox outfit had to make a debut.
And who else remembers this choice episode of Spongebob Squarepents, where he gets inflatable muscle arms?

I'd like to think that whoever came up with his costume design was inspired by this particular moment from Friends.

In addition to the bevy of oversized coat pictures and references, people also felt some kind of way about Luther's body and how gross and awkward it is to watch him make out with people.

What is Luther's Power in The Umbrella Academy?
In short, it's supposed to be super strength, but there's a lot of talk around just how powerful he is, or if his powers diminished over time.

Flashbacks of Luther as a teen show him as a force to be reckoned with, throwing people through windows with ease and generally being a badass. As an adult, he is having difficulty going toe-to-toe with other characters he fights.
In the comics, he's also supposed to have super-charged agility, speed, and intelligence in addition to brute strength and durability.

The speed and intelligence are definitely not there, and there are tons of fans who are ragging on Luther's leadership abilities, i.e. he stinks at making them.
Then there's the question of why Luther's body is the way it is.

Apparently when he was younger, Luther nearly died while carrying out a mission himself. In order to save his life, Reginald had to give him a serum, which ultimately altered his body into a gorilla's.
In the comic, Luther's head's been transplanted onto the body of an ape, and that could've very well happened in the show, it just hasn't been hinted at.

Regardless of how he got his body in the show, it hasn't stopped people from meme-ing the heck out of it.
Yes, he does look like Kingpin from Into the Spiderverse, 100 percent.

And props to whoever made this League of Extraordinary Gentlemen reference.
Arrested Development ones are always great, too.

So if you want to get the full Luther Umbrella Academy experience but can't commit to watching the show, then we've learned if you look at photos of people in oversized coats and screencaps from Puppetmaster movies, you'll be good.

I couldn't find a tweet of these, but here's what came to my mind when I saw Luther's silly-looking pillow-stuffed body on the show.

While Umbrella Academy looks great, I'd honestly just rewatch Beetlejuice a bunch of times. So so good.
Stream The Umbrella Academy on Netflix now.