Somehow These 'Unflattering Dog Photos' Are Still Extremely Adorable

Updated Oct. 2 2020, 9:12 a.m. ET

Facebooks #unflatteringdogphotochallenge is your new favorite thing in the world. I guarantee it. As cute and lovable as dogs are, sometimes they're caught looking absolutely ridiculous. And we love them all the more because they can't help but be their goofy selves. Try to get through this list of unflattering dog pictures without cracking up. As far as I'm concerned, it's an impossible feat.
When your limbs are that gangly and your ears are that floppy and your face is that jowly, how are you supposed to control it all at once? You just can't!
Poor Tulip had to have her teeth removed. But that hasn't stopped her from being the liveliest, cutest, sleepiest pup. Here she is dreaming and drooling all at the same time. What a talent.
It looks like Ruthie was told to smile for the camera but then tried to hold in a giant sneeze. It's a good thing she's super cute even with those teeth bared.
Ah yes, the classic mid-shake photo. Always a winner. Dogs' eyes do weird things when their whole heads shake. Hilarious.
Piper will defend that Vans shoe with her life, and so help you if you try to grab it from her. In other news, you need a new pair of shoes and Piper is the boss of the house now.
Oh my goodness. I have never seen an upside-down boxer before, and I'm not sure I ever wanted to. Mia kind of looks like a giant bat, only way scarier. I have a feeling this image will be with me for a very long time.
I just love these photos so much. The squinty eyes, the underbite, and double chin. I have to say, I relate to this pup.
What. Is. Happening. In. This. Photo. How does this dog's body work? That is not a natural position. I tell ya, Sparky is a freak of nature. It looks like one of those panorama photo glitches. Yikes!
Corgis are usually really cute but every once in a while they get so excited that they end up looking, well, like this. I'm just happy that Pippa seems really happy with her open field / running situation.
Poor Brutus Capone got all dressed up for professional dog photos and then when the photographer snapped the pic, that's what happened. I have a whole decade of yearbook photos that look remarkably similar. I'm sure he's a handsome boy.
Newfoundlands are the best dogs, and I'm not just saying that because I've grown up with them my whole life. I'm saying that because of photos like this one. I don't know what this looks like to you, but to me, it is very clear that Humphrey farted and then the wind accidentally blew it right into his face. His furry, drooling, adorable face.
Look, Matilda has had a hard life. She was found on the streets and rescued by some wonderful humans. And even though she has a great life now, sometimes she just has to sit and think for a while. She's too much.
He looks like his owner caught him while he was barking at a squirrel that he knew he would never catch. Sometimes, he just feels like barking, OK? It's what dogs do.