Woman Quits Victoria's Secret After Finding Human Poop in Fitting Room

Published Aug. 12 2023, 9:23 a.m. ET

Talk about a crappy day at work! A TikTok user named Rachel, who appears to share an account with her sister Ariel (@laubsterz), spilled the tea on her most bonkers experience working at a Victoria’s Secret store, which ultimately led her to quit.
Now before you get your feathers in a bunch, it had nothing to do with the store's management or company. The only person to blame is this one customer who clearly thought with their bowels as opposed to their brain.

Victoria's Secret customer apparently didn't know where the bathroom was.
Currently on TikTok, there's a trend called the "one thing about me" trend. Basically, it taps users to share a unique story beginning with the line "one thing about me" to Nicki Minaj's 'song "Super Freaky." Users are expected to sing their stories to the song's beat.
So far, we've heard some hilarious and mind-boggling anecdotes from TikTokers — and Rachel's story is no less.
She starts with some background information. She previously worked at Victoria's Secret for three years and ended up quitting soon after this incident took place.
She explains that it was a Saturday and the store was busy. She escorted one customer to a fitting room to try on a hodgepodge of sports bras. When the customer finished, she exited and left all the bras in the fitting room.
Rachel, just trying to do her job, went in there to clean up. "The sports bras are all over the floor," she says into the camera, adding "I bend down to grab one, but I end up touching something else."

So, what was that something else? As Rachel croons: "It ended up being the biggest piece of poop I had ever seen."
After informing her manager, she ended up cleaning it up and returned to the sales floor. Strangely enough, the fitting room pooper didn't bounce post-defecating. She was in line by the register with her hoodie up, seemingly trying to disguise herself.
Unfortunately, that was the end of Rachel's story. No more turds were found in the store and the woman escaped without facing any consequences. However, Rachel did make a follow-up video in which she actually shows you a photo of the human droppings (um, gross!). Viewers' discretion is advised.
Rachel's followup also clarifies that the poop incident wasn't actually the reason she quit, but it was "the straw that broke the camel's back." She admits that she left to accept a tech internship, but touts Victoria's Secret as a great place to work.

But we're not done just yet.
Apparently, Rachel's situation wasn't that unique. Other Victoria's Secret workers confirmed in the comment section that they also dealt with customers who used their stores as bathrooms (y'all nasty!).

An American Eagle employee also claimed that customers urinated in store while she was working.

That said, I am left with so many questions. Here's one: Are these poopers doing their business inside of stores because they honestly couldn't hold it? Or are they just awful people?