Jax's Hit Song "Victoria's Secret" Dissects All That's Wrong With the Company It's Titled After

Published Dec. 29 2022, 3:19 p.m. ET

Ever since she first made waves auditioning for Season 14 of American Idol, New Jersey native Jax has been steadily building quite a following in the music industry. Despite finishing in third place on the hit singing competition, Jax leveraged her fame to join the American Idols LIVE! Tour 2015 and began recording and releasing music.
Many of her songs have done relatively well over the last five years or so, but none as much so as 2022's "Victoria's Secret," which has garnered her millions of new fans worldwide. With that being said, what is the meaning behind "Victoria's Secret"? Keep reading to unpack the points that Jax is making in her hit song.

What is the meaning of Jax's hit song "Victoria's Secret"?
With a title like "Victoria's Secret," one can make a pretty solid assumption about what the song's content will entail. Indeed, Jax puts conventional beauty standards in the hot seat on her new track, questioning why major publications, social media, companies, and other powerful voices have such a say over what is considered beautiful nowadays.
Jax revealed in a TikTok (posted three weeks before the song was released in June 2022) that the direct inspiration for the track came from a girl she was babysitting named Chelsea. She said that the girl went to purchase a bathing suit for a party at Victoria's Secret and was angry when "the bathing suit made her look fat and flat."
Jax, who admitted to PopSugar that she battled eating disorders and body image issues in the past, was moved by Chelsea's experience and decided to share her feelings via song, creating "Victoria's Secret." And share them she did, with many of the lyrics of the song directly attacking the company and their notions of beauty.
"I wish somebody would've told me that thighs of thunder / Meant normal human thighs," she leads the song off by singing, referring to Victoria's Secret's standards for clothing sizing. She then addresses the company directly, singing, "I know Victoria's secret / And, girl, you wouldn't believe / She's an old man who lives in Ohio / Making money off of girls like me / 'Cashin' in on body issues / Sellin' skin and bones with big boobs."
Jax harmonizes and repeats the message throughout the song in several variations, capping it off by saying, "I know Victoria's secret / She was never made for me and you."
The song has received international acclaim since its release, reaching the 35th position on Billboard's Hot 100 chart, as well as charting in the top 100 in other nations such as Australia, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, and Sweden.