Need to Get Your Life Together? Check Out These Totally Relatable Virgo Season Memes
Updated Aug. 24 2023, 3:00 p.m. ET

As the summer days start to wind down, it’s a reminder that back-to-school is just around the corner, cooler weather will have us shopping for new flannels, and the start of Virgo season is here.
From Aug. 23 until Sept. 22, “The Priestess” will reign supreme over our lives, and we suggest that you embrace this new astrological sign.
With the fiery mindset of Leo fading, Virgo season will give us a more realistic and grounded approach. After beach days, BBQs, and summer flings, we can all use a healthy dose (or two) of the real world. As Virgos are typically well-organized people, take these next weeks to refocus your goals and possibly plan for your future.

Maybe you’ll take on a new project at work, rearrange your room, or think of ways to save money for that big goal you've been working toward. Basically, embrace the ambitious nature of Virgo season.
You'll definitely relate to these Virgo season memes.
However, don’t fall into the trap of overthinking too much. Virgos are typically very analytical thinkers and sometimes strive to be too “perfect,” which can cause serious stress and a lot of headaches.
So, as you start to get your life in order (hopefully), check out these memes we’ve rounded up in honor of Virgo season that we know everyone can relate to.
1. We all have that one Virgo friend.

When you're planning a trip with your gals and your one Virgo friend has already mapped out via an Excel spreadsheet what you'll be doing every minute of your day. Seriously, Nancy, slow your roll.
2. Attempting to pull my life together.

Currently saging myself while listening to meditation podcasts because Virgo season is here and I'm about to get my s--t together. Basically, I'm saying goodbye to my indecisive nature and planning out my future goals. Watch, you'll see!
3. Overanalyzing every moment of my life is my life.

Virgos have a bad habit of overthinking situations and problems. Hey, we're very analytical people! The good news is that we can usually appear calm on the outside, all while having a raging panic attack on the inside. See, you'll never know the difference.
4. Is there anybody who can help me?

When you're hoping this next month will bring a bit of clarity and organization to your daily life because Leo season hit too hard.
5. That moment when you finally pull your life together.

Silently judging that one friend who got their s--t together, while you contemplate why your life is in constant disarray and spiraling downward.
6. Is the "break" over yet?

When you still haven't finished your work, but your friends drag you to the local bar for a "break." Yet, the only thing you can focus on is how many shots of tequila it will take your friends until they forget you dipped out.
7. Don't we all have at least one friend whose skills rival that of an FBI agent?

Crying to your Virgo friend via text that your boyfriend may be cheating on you, and her reply is the name, social security number, social media profiles, and credit score of the girl who ranks as his No. 1 Snapchat friend.
8. Virgo's like to not tell people about their problems.
If you're a Virgo, you know that you like to keep all of your issues bottled up. Whether you had a bad day at work, you and your partner got into an argument, or you realized you overdraft on your bank account, Virgos will keep it all in and act like everything is totally fine.
9. Are Virgos picky?
Let's face it, Virgos are very meticulous. But hey, they like what they like and it's hard to change their minds.
10. Virgos have a lot on their minds.
Virgos certainly have a lot on their minds, but they are not known for speaking it. This totally describes a Virgo.
11. Virgos are overthinkers.
In case you already didn't get the point, Virgos are overthinkers. Virgos need to be reassured, even when it comes to the smallest things.
12. Virgos are super emotional.
Contrary to popular belief, Virgos are actually super emotional. Though they may act like their world isn't falling apart, they are overanalyzing everything.