One Woman Looks Back on Old Videos and Realized She Went on a Date With Wade Wilson
"I'm lucky to be alive!"

Published Sept. 24 2024, 9:33 a.m. ET
Social media has done a lot in terms of true crime. Fans of the genre join Facebook groups or Dischord in order to swap information about cold cases. Some true crime podcasts have Patreons that allow subscribers to toss out theories when it comes to missing people or suspects that went unnoticed by police.
Then there is TikTok, which is filled with amateur cyber sleuths just itching to solve a crime.
Every once in a while, someone becomes an unwilling participant in a true crime story, and we are not referring to the victims.
This is what happened to one woman who realized she had gone on a date with the man who would eventually be known as the Deadpool Killer.
In October 2019, he murdered two Florida women within hours of each other and was sentenced to death five years later. Before that, he was just a guy out with a girl.
Here's what we know about Wade Wilson's Country Thunder date.
Wade Wilson went to the Country Thunder music festival on a date with an unsuspecting woman.
TikTok user @chelsosweet, who we are calling Chelsea, was shocked to discover that she knew Wade Wilson. On Sept. 20, 2024, she took to TikTok in order to post a video of her and Wilson hanging out at the Country Thunder music festival.
"I dated a seriel [sic] killer!!!" reads text over the video of a smiling Chelsea swaying to the music in front of the now-convicted killer.
According to her caption, they hung out "eight months before he killed those poor women." She goes on to say, "I'm lucky to be alive!"
If Chelsea's calculations are correct, they most likely went in March 2019 when the festival rolled through Kissimmee, Fla. It's wild to picture Wilson breaking into a line dance while watching Luke Bryan. It's less difficult to imagine Wilson getting his denim groove on to Toby Keith or Luke Combs.
In a follow-up TikTok, Chelsea promised to share more of the story.
All you have to do is follow her and of course, have a relentless thirst for knowledge when it comes to Wade Wilson and his big loser energy.