Waffle House Waitress The "Crazy Money" She Makes Working Just the Weekend Shift

Updated Sept. 9 2023, 11:41 a.m. ET

A TikToker by the name of Maya who uploads under the handle @smallbutfit posts a lot of fitness and workout content on the popular social media platform, but she also has a series of videos that delineate what she makes in a day while working part-time at Waffle House, and folks are shocked by her take home for a 7-hour weekend shift at the popular breakfast food chain.
A recent clip of hers went viral. In it she writes, "Wow, OK y'all. What's up, TikTok? Welcome back to another 'what I make in a day as a Waffle House waitress.' They worked your girl today...they worked me today. But it's all good, because I feel like we did pretty..." at this point in the clip she begins to take out money from her pockets.
"All right, so it's Sunday. It's 3:16. I got off probably like 30-45 minutes ago, but I'mma straighten this up and we're gonna do a count." The video then cuts to a sped-up sequence of her organizing her bills.
"All right, we back in real time. All right, so again, if you're new here, I work Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 7-2. Um, I train during the week, so I only work on weekends, but yeah." She then begins to quickly count the bills in her hand.

She said that she was able to pull in $343 dollars in tips for one 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. shift, and the previous day she earned $258. She adds that she left early on Friday because she wasn't scheduled but she went in anyway "for like two hours" and walked out with $45 as a result.

She called the take-home a "solid freaking weekend, honestly." When you divide the amount she earned in tips, which was $646, by the number of total hours she put in —16 — she walked away with an average hourly wage of $40.37.

Several viewers of Maya's TikTok remarked that they also worked at Waffle House and also felt being employed by the franchise was a financially viable experience.

Others even remarked that the company offers a stock buy-in program for employees who stay for at least a year, while some said that the job was a lifesaver, helping them pay for cosmetology school or covering their costs as a single mom.

Some TikTokers said they always tip more at Waffle House because they've encountered exceptional service at the chain, which is something Maya says she's heard from several customers herself.

But some TikTokers cautioned against revealing how much money she's making online in case "Uncle Sam" takes a gander and finds some discrepancies in her reporting.

For the most part, however, folks were impressed by how much she was raking in as a Waffle House waitress. In the comments section, Maya says that some days she earns more than that and some days less, but all in all she's able to secure a fairly decent average payout for a shift.

Were you surprised to see how much Maya was earning as a waitress at Waffle House? Have you ever worked there? What have your experiences been like?