"Sounds Like a Mixed Drink to Me” — Waitress IDs a 13-Year-Old for Ordering an Arnold Palmer

Published Aug. 16 2023, 12:17 p.m. ET
There was once a time when you couldn’t get an Arnold Palmer out of my hands. I’ve never been a fan of iced tea, but baby, I can still remember grabbing a cold can of the mixture, instantly falling in love with the cool beverage, and spending most of my high school years enjoying it.
The drink, named after the late famous golfer, must have the youth in a chokehold. As I reflect on my time with the drink, I realize I stopped buying it somewhere in my 20s, although I was obsessed with it as a teenager.
Even though Arnold Palmers are popular among children, the dark beverage looks a lot like another iced tea from Long Island (side note, I think I just figured out why I stopped drinking Arnold Palmers).
Since Arnold Palmer looks eerily similar to alcohol, it’s understandable that even the people serving Arnold Palmers at restaurants and other outings would get confused. One waitress’s confusion caused a mishap that was so hilarious she had to tell TikTok all about it.
Keep reading for the full scoop!

A waitress embarrasses herself by ID-ing a teen customer after they ordered an Arnold Palmer.
Despite their almost immaculate ability to blend iced tea and lemonade, Arnold Palmers are challenging. First, there’s the fact that it’s named after an athlete that mainly those who follow golf actually know. Then the name itself is also difficult to pronounce, as TikToker @.itsamaddoglife proved in July 2023.
Amid the Arnold Palmer confusion, TikTok user Kylee Hoffman (@kyleehoffman) shared what she interpreted as an Arnold Palmer. The TikToker, who works at a restaurant named Jack’s, wore her uniform as she explained the mishap regarding the refreshing drink.
In the video, Kylee said she was taking a family’s order when one teen asked for an Arnold Palmer. Kylee thought the child, who appeared to be 13, asked to order an alcoholic beverage and did what she was required to do at her job — ask the person requesting the drink for an ID.
While attempting to get the child’s ID, the waitress said the parents yelled “FOR AN ARNOLD PALMER?!” at her before refusing to show his identification.
Kylee then looked confused as she mouthed a soundbite that said, “I don’t know what I’m talking about, and I never have. I never really have.”
She also captioned the TikTok and said she believed Arnold Palmers had alcohol in them the whole time she had worked at the restaurant.
“Sounds like a mixed drink to me,” Kylee admitted.
The TikTok user received comments from equally confused diners.
While Kylee wasn’t sure what goes into an Arnold Palmer, the TikToker received comments from others who couldn’t understand how the mishap occurred. Underneath her TikTok, she received comments from users who never thought Arnold Palmers had alcohol in them and weren’t sure why she did either.
“I’ve never heard of one that had alcohol in it?!?!” one commenter stated.
“It's funny, I just had one of these yesterday 😭 it was nonalcoholic,” another shared.
Surprisingly, more TikTok users agreed with Kylee that Arnold Palmers sounded like they had alcohol in them. Many users, specifically those who work at bars and restaurants, said they had made the same honest mistake as Kylee.
“Brooo, I’ve done the same, lmaooo i had no clue,” one commenter said.
“Omg, I did this 😂😂😂 when I worked at a country club,” another recalled.
Although Kylee isn’t alone in her confusion, she will likely think twice before asking a customer for an ID after they order the delicious, non-alcoholic blend!