TikTokers Have Created Their Own Sport Called Walk Ball — You Have to See It for Yourself

Published Sept. 10 2021, 9:01 a.m. ET

Football's a fast-paced, brutal game that is ridiculously unforgiving. In addition to the insanely specific types of athletic prowess that players must develop to professionally compete in the sport, they also need to remember and execute complexly developed plays at a moment's notice.
And then there's walk ball on TikTok.
What is the walk ball TikTok trend?
If you've got family members from overseas who don't understand why we call it football even though people catch the ball with their hands, then you can tell them to maybe watch walk ball.
It involves all of the play-making and attempted faking/juking from football, but at walking pace only.

What results is a slow-motion version of America's favorite sport.
Folks have been uploading their own walk ball plays and honestly, if you're all about the game but not so much about suffering a concussion or a torn ACL, then this may be for you.
It kind of feels a little like playing Tecmo Bowl for Nintendo, but with real-life people. There have been tons of TikTokers who've been getting in on the trend. The best part about walk ball is that it doesn't really require any special equipment or additional gear to play. There are some folks who are getting in on the game wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and a pair of flip-flops.
Did walk ball football get its inspiration from 'BASEketball'?
The 1998 film BASEketball, created by the makers of South Park, featured an interesting premise: Two friends who enjoy the act of shooting basketballs but not the athletic business of running around and working up a sweat end up creating a major sport that blends rules from both basketball and baseball to create a new past time for "Average Joes" to fall in love with.
Is walk ball similar to that? Well, it doesn't seem like a couple of award-winning writers and creators are going to make a walk ball flick anytime, soon, but there are tons of people on TikTok who appear to be enjoying the laid-back game.
And honestly, it could also have an interesting impact on the play-making skills of those who are prospective pigskin athletes.
In music theory, there's a saying: "if you can play it slow, you can play it fast." Perhaps by breaking down the plays to walking speed, football players can really better understand the dynamics of the strategies they're trying to implement.
They can then gradually increase the speed at which they play the game and can thus blow the competition away with their combination of athletic skill and mental acuity.