Walmart Shopper Who Pranked Service Desk with Yams for 2 Years Finally Gets Caught

Published Jan. 14 2024, 12:35 p.m. ET

Humor is a magic thing. Understanding why certain people find certain things funny is difficult to pinpoint. Of course, professional comics can break down a joke and get granular about structure and set up, but oftentimes it's their own personal reactions to said jokes that'll make them funny. Getting Shane Gillis to perform material by Tina Fey and vice versa won't hit the same.
It's why whenever one of your friends tries to share their favorite quips from that new Netflix special they saw don't necessarily translate, but when you finally bring yourself to watch it you find yourself cracking up.
Or maybe you don't, and you find yourself sitting there wondering just what in the heck they found so funny about it?
This divisive response to a prank is probably what was elicited from a Twitter user's recurring gag they pulled on Walmart employees. The joke in question was one that is, at its core, random and bewildering, unless you think that yams are the funniest thing in the world.
X (formerly Twitter) user @boople_snoot would place a wrapped-in-cellophane yam on the same store's service desk, week in, week out, for nearly two years.
They said that they were finally caught performing this gag by a duo of managers for the chain, who whispered one question once they discovered the prankster was @boople_snoot: "...why yams..." they asked.
The X user chronicled what happened once they were eventually accosted by employees for their yamtastic voyage: "today, after almost 2 years of leaving a yam on the walmart customer service desk nearly every week, i was approached by 2 managers who cornered me as i was headed to checkout. without any other introduction, they looked me in the eyes and whispered …. 'why yams…'"
@boople_snoot must've been apprehensive about being caught, as they wrote: "my heart dropped.. i have been caught ..i said … 'um.. it’s sort of like a prank!' and they both laughed, i felt immediate relief, and they proceeded to explain that over the last year it’s been driving them insane, they thought it was one of the employees pranking them..."
While one of the Walmart employees told the X user that they believed a co-worker was behind the yam prank, they quickly learned that this wasn't the case once that worker switched stores and the yams kept showing up.
"...but when that employee switched stores and it KEPT HAPPENING they decided to investigate and check the cameras, they realized that it was a customer, they saw me on the cameras do it today and decided to approach me,i apologized and since i’ve been doing it for so long i thought," the Serial Yammer wrote.
It was at this point that they thought their yam-leaving days were behind them and it's best that they simply hang up their gloves and call it a day. But @boople_snoot was surprised to learn that the employees seemed to enjoy their gags.
"eh the jig is up i guess so much for the yamming.. but then they said “oh no don’t worry! we don’t mind.” i said… what? n they said … yeah we don’t care it was just driving us insane we wanted to know who it was.. i was like ..oh! okay! and told them that i’d keep doing it"
So not only did the workers tell them that they didn't want them to stop yamming it up every opportunity that they could, but that they would also guard their secret from other employees now that they discovered who was behind the weekly starchy surprise.
"and they agreed to not tell anyone it’s me and they gave me permission to keep doing it because they also think it’s funny .. so.. I SHALL YAM FOREVER. YAM FOR ETERNITY. YAM WILL NEVER STOP."
While it seems like a completely random (because it is) thing to prank a retail employee with, it looks like it became a sort of tradition among the employees at that Walmart store, and maybe even something that folks looked forward to while they were on shift.
And it's no secret that working in retail isn't exactly the most fun of vocations and that things can get a little boring after a while, and there are plenty of employees who weren't shy about sharing this viewpoint online, either.
So maybe the workers gladly welcomed @boople_snoot's decision to leave yams on the customer service desk as a means of breaking up the monotony of their daily routines.
But there were some people who didn't seem to think that the X user's gag was all that humorous.
But the Yamtasm said that they would gladly suffer the yamifications of their constant prank.
What do you think? If you worked at Walmart would you be upset by seeing this prank? Or would you think it was hilarious or just plain bizarre?