A Walmart Customer Couldn't Get Her Way, so She Called a Cashier a "Fat B"

Published Dec. 16 2022, 5:16 p.m. ET

There is a special place in Hades for folks who are irrationally rude to waitstaff, customer service people, and cashiers. These jobs are generally thankless and fairly hard on one's bodies and/or minds. The last thing anyone needs is to be yelled at by a customer, especially when said customer is trying to pull a fast one. They're in the wrong but the essential worker is getting the heat.
That's what happened when one intrepid Walmart employee was just trying to maintain the 20 items or less rule in the express lane.

TikTok user @573selena
A Walmart customer tried to get 21 items into the 20 items express lane. Nope!
On Nov. 30, TikTok user 573Selena posted a video while still at work about an unsettling interaction she had with a Walmart customer. "Y'all, why did this customer just try to yell at me because I was like 'I'm in the express lane,' and I told them 'It's 20 items or less.'"
The customer in question then insisted they were only trying to check out 20 items, but Selena knew better.
"I went around the cart and I counted their s--t, and it was 21," Selena said. She then directed the woman to the self-checkout lane which, while more tedious, usually doesn't have an item limit.
We wish we could say the customer took her suggestion with grace and ease, but that wasn't the case. "Now I'm a fat b---h," Selena said at the end of the video. Imagine tossing an indignant attitude on top of a fat-shaming comment, all while knowing you were trying to bend the rules. Is there a self-awareness line next to the self-checkout line?
The comments under Selena's TikTok were divided.
"I would have put one item right on the shelf of your aisle and thanked you for bringing it to my attention. Cuz you['re gonna] check me out," said one TikTok user.
However, another chimed in with, "The same time you took to count those items was the same amount of time you could’ve just rang them up."
But that's the big question. Could Selena have just added another item?
The item limit rule is usually there for a reason.
Curious about how item limits work in a Walmart checkout line, we called up customer service at the very first Walmart location in Rogers, Ark. If anyone would know how Walmart ticks, it's gonna be an employee at the OG Walmart — and we definitely learned something new today.
"When we get to a certain number of items being scanned, then we limit out," the customer service representative told us. "Our registers can't take it anymore." (Wow, just like the woman at Walmart!)
The rep went on to say this setup only exists at newer Walmarts. Theirs, for example, doesn't do that. In fact, the delightful person we spoke to divulged a little secret: "Honestly, if it was just one extra item, I would have slipped it by."
So, there you have it! Before you start yelling at someone who is merely trying to do their job — and please do not yell at these people — understand that it might not be up to them. And if it was, they would probably let an extra item or two slip by.