Woman Destroys Parents’ Living Room after Getting Wrong Party Popper from Walmart

Published Jan. 8 2024, 10:24 a.m. ET

Amber Stevens (@amstevens21) just wanted to spend New Year's Eve with her mom and dad and record a cute video showing the three of them ring in 2024 with a toast and ceremonial blast of confetti.
Instead, they accidentally staged a gender reveal party for a boy after Amber failed to realize she got the wrong kind of party popper, resulting in an unwieldy mess that, days after the unfortunate incident, reared its blue, powdery head.
Amber recorded the unfortunate incident and uploaded it to TikTok. It begins with her counting down from 9 to usher in 2024, completely unaware of the havoc that's about to befall her and her family.
A text overlay in the video is a source of situational tension for viewers who just know something bad is going to happen once she lets what she thinks is a confetti popper rip into the living room.
"POV: Walmart substitutes your confetti poppers for smoke ones," Amber writes. After the countdown, she makes a toast with her family and they all take a sip from their respective cups. She then grabs the popper and the other people in the room follow suit. They get themselves situated and prepare for the coordinated pop-off.
Instead of confetti shooting out of the canisters, however, a thick blue mist wafts through the room, causing Amber and the woman seated next to her to erupt in laughter.
The man takes a gander down at the celebration-themed product and says: "Mine says powder popper on it," as Amber continues to laugh. The man, smiling, gets up and begins to walk out of the room, remarking that she has a mess to clean up, presumably because she made the error of purchasing a powder popper and not a confetti one.

Mortified, Amber continues to crack up laughing, covering her face with a blanket as she tries to quell her cackling in response to the error that nearly turned her and her folks into Smurfs. The TikToker manages to say through her guffaws that she's going to "throw up" as her mom stands up and says she's going to leave the room.

The camera angle then transitions to show the damage that was wrought on the living room: the place is covered in a thin, blue powder.
One question you might be asking yourself is whether or not Amber has condemned her family to a lifetime of respiratory damage by exposing them to a harmful chemical in an enclosed space.
However, it appears that most party poppers that spray decorative powder use a non-toxic variant, however, there are party supplies companies that strong advise against using the powder ones indoors: probably because it gets all over the place and is a pain in the butt to thoroughly clean up.

According to Walmart's website, the chain sells both confetti and powder poppers for $2.47 and $3.00 respectively, but judging by the canisters featured online, it seems like it would be difficult for anyone to mix the two of them up. Perhaps the Walmart that Amber was shopping in accidentally placed the two popper variants next to each other and Amber accidentally grabbed the powder ones?
Amber showed off more of the blue explosion in a follow-up video, and in the clip her parents didn't seem too concerned with the mess as her mom can be seen seated on the couch and saying that she still wants to celebrate New Year's by shooting confetti into the air.
To demonstrate just how pesky and persistent the blue powder is to get rid of, Amber uploaded a third video six days after the incident, showing how bits of it still linger in the house. Her mother laments on camera that no matter how much they clean they keep on finding powder littered throughout the home.
At one point in the clip she walks to a decorative candle and scoops her finger into a groove of it to reveal that its filled with blue powder: this is just one instance of many, Amber's mom says, where they will be walking throughout their home and — surprise, more blue powder.
How would you react if you were just trying to enjoy a quiet New Year's Eve with your family, only to discover that the little celebratory party favors that popped off in your home left you with a clean-up job that will probably never be completed?
Props have to be given to Amber's mom and dad: if they were angry about her mistake, they sure as heck didn't show it in her video.