Mom Blasts Walmart for Selling Toy That Tells Dirty Jokes, Says Santa Isn't Real

Published Dec. 27 2022, 4:07 p.m. ET

A TikToker by the name of Ashley Lynn who posts under the handle @mommabearash shared footage of something that looks like it belongs in a candid camera gag show. In a now-viral clip on the popular video-sharing platform, she shows off a children's remote toy that tells jokes most parents probably wouldn't want their young kids to hear.
A text overlay in Ashley's video reads: "WTF!!!!! Walmart please explain why this is still on your shelves?"
She says in the clip "Hi guys, Merry Christmas I was just coming on here because I need TikTok to do its thing so we celebrate with our family on Christmas Eve and my grandmother got my nine-month-old son this toy remote."
At this point in the video she holds up the children's toy. It's a green device shaped like a TV remote control complete with a speaker and different numerically assigned buttons and other things you'd see on an actual remote that operates a TV set. Ashley continued, "It's the Linsay brand, l-i-n-s-a-y, she purchased this at Walmart."
Ashley then delved into what her issue with the product is, "So we put batteries in it, give it to my son, like not paying any attention he's going to town chewing on it pressing buttons we don't notice anything. Well, then my mom hears something and she calls us all in and she's like it just said something about a drive-by shooting!"
At this point in the clip, you would think that Ashley was setting up a premise for an SNL bit, but the TikToker continued, "I'm like there's no way. So, let me see if I can get this quickly enough..." she then begins to press buttons on the remote control, which shows up in Google search results for

However, it doesn't look like the product is offered for sale through the retailer's website any longer, as the link to the item says the page has been deleted as of this writing.
In the clip, Ashley says on the back of the child remote's box that it "tells jokes" and proceeds to show an example of one of the jokes.
A voice on the remote says, "How many Catholic priests are required to screw a light bulb into a socket? Two. One to do the screwing and one to hear the confession."
Ashley looks to the camera, "What? What? A kid's toy! There's a baby on the box. Let's see what else..."

Ashley then queues up another joke, "Tom told his friend my brother has a job with 10,000 people under him. His friend replied, wow he must be the CEO of a corporation. Tom said, no, he cuts the grass in a cemetery."
The TikToker considers this one, "OK, kind of funny, but still, for a baby? It gets worse." She then hits the button to tell another joke.

The voice on the toy begins speaking after she cycles through a couple of jokes until she gets to the one she wants to show her audience on TikTok, "You'll never guess what makes a clip, clop, clip, clop bang bang, clip clop clip clop clip clop noise. An Amish drive-by shooting!"

Ashley then makes a face, pauses and says, "Sold at Walmart. Walmart! Explain this! Linsay toys, explain this. Blow this up. Do I have a lawsuit? Lawyers, help me out."

TikTokers had a variety of different responses to Ashley's remote issue, however many felt that her call for a "lawsuit" was out of line. Throngs of folks suggested that she simply return the remote and complain to the toy manufacturer, as Walmart more than likely doesn't go through all of the products it offers to make sure that they don't contain jokes people may find offensive.

There were also some who admitted that while it probably wasn't right for Linsay to include jokes that aren't appropriate for children in a baby's toy, they still found the zingers funny anyway.

And then there were some who thought that the gift may've been a gag device, however judging from the Linsay products offered through Walmart, like this kids tablet, the brand doesn't appear to sell gag gifts, but products that are geared towards children.
Ashley uploaded a follow-up addressing comments from other users on the platform, particularly those from folks who wanted to know if she was seriously considering a lawsuit and that there was no way the product was actually geared towards children.
She showed off the packaging in the clip and after going through the front and back of the box it sure as heck looks like it was made with kids in mind.
She also highlighted yet another joke that she didn't appreciate, which states: "The Easter Bunny, an honest lawyer, Santa Clause, and a drunk find a $50 bill together. Can you guess who gets to keep it? Of course it's the drunk, because the other three don't exist."
It could be one way to rip the band-aid off early and teach kids that Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny don't exist. A small price to pay, however, the let children know early on that there are lawyers who will be more than happy with taking your money.