The Update in This 'WandaVision' Scene Could Be Connected to 'Doctor Strange'

Published June 29 2021, 2:59 p.m. ET

Even though WandaVision is over and isn't coming back for a second season, it's still getting attention. But this time, it's something that fans didn't expect.
Back when the end of WandaVision first aired in March 2021, the post-credits scene gave fans the understanding that this is not the last we'll see of Wanda, and that her story isn't over. But in June, fans of the Marvel hit noticed that same scene changed — and some people think it's to set up Wanda's appearance in the next Doctor Strange movie.
'WandaVision's' ending changed — and fans definitely noticed.
The ending of WandaVision itself is still the same. In the last episode, we see that Wanda's false reality breaks down and everything goes back to normal in the town she took over. But what has changed is the post-credits scene. Originally, we see a bunch of beautiful landscape shots until we get to Wanda sitting on the porch of a cabin in an unknown location.

Eventually, Wanda goes inside and the camera pans through the cabin until we see another shot of Wanda as the Scarlet Witch using her powers, possibly to astral project. Then, she unexpectedly hears her son calling out to her.
In the new version of the post-credit scene, most of this is still the same. But there are some small changes that fans have noticed and could have some interesting implications.
In one of the landscape scenes, we see snow-covered trees on the hills surrounding the cabin. In the altered version there's some kind of blurry form coming down those hills toward Wanda. Other changes include adding a bunch of trees around the cabin and getting rid of some birds. Following that, Michael Giacchino was added to the credits for the Doctor Strange theme.
These changes might set up Wanda's next appearance.
Some people believe the blurry figure in the trees is Doctor Strange, which makes sense because Wanda will be in his upcoming movie Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. This would also tie into Michael Giacchino's credit being added, as he produced the Doctor Strange theme — the same theme used over the scene where we see Wanda as the Scarlet Witch in the cabin.
As of now, we don't know for sure why these changes were made, as Marvel hasn't officially said anything about them. But Kevin Feige, the president of Marvel Studios, has said that parts of the upcoming Doctor Strange movie had to be rewritten to fit with WandaVision. In an interview with Rolling Stone, he said that Strange was cut from WandaVision script to make Wanda the focus of the ending.
At one point, all the commercials seen in WandaVision were supposed to be messages from Strange trying to get through to her and that's why they had so many references to the Avengers. He was supposed to appear on the show in a few different places. As of now, there's been no word on how Wanda will fit into the Doctor Strange sequel.
We also know that Wanda's actress, Elizabeth Olsen, has said that Wanda will be held accountable for the fact that she basically held an entire town captive so that she could live her best suburban life with the Vision.
"She had to get away before the people who have to hold her accountable got there," Elizabeth said to Rolling Stone. "And where she went is a place that no one could find her. Because she knows that she is going to be held accountable, and I think she has a tremendous amount of guilt."