Was the Late Emo Rapper Lil Peep Actually Murdered?
Updated April 24 2020, 5:32 p.m. ET

Gustav Åhr was an emo rapper who the world knew better as Lil Peep. He was on the cusp of greatness when he passed away unexpectedly in 2017. He was just 21 years old when he died, and he was headed out on tour to perform songs from his album "Come Over When You're Sober (Part One)." While an investigation into his passing did indicate he had succumbed to a fatal drug overdose of prescription drugs fentanyl and Xanax, there are still those who question whether or not he was actually murdered.
With the debut of the documentary Everybody's Everything just hitting Netflix, this is a topic fans are no about keen to revisit. Was Lil Peep intent on leaving this world and struggling to defeat his inner demons or was this tragedy accidental? Or was there something darker behind it? If you're finding yourself wondering what exactly happened with Lil Peep and need a quick rundown, we've got your back. Here's everything we know so far.

Was Lil Peep actually murdered?
As we briefly touched on, Lil Peep was found to have overdosed, either deliberately or accidentally on Nov. 15, shortly after being found unresponsive on his tour bus around 9 p.m. His brother Karl Åhr had gone on record saying that he believed Lil Peep must have overdosed by accident, saying Gustav was "super happy with where he was in life," saying he "was not struggling" at the time. But what does this have to do with the idea of being murdered?

After Lil Peep passed away, a series of private messages between himself and a 20-year-old fan named Mariah Bons surfaced. The messages hit sites like TMZ and social media, and appeared to illustrate a conversation between the pair where Mariah bragged about getting Lil Peep "high af." However, it's believed that the prescription drug Xanax that Bons possibly supplied him with was laced with the medication Fentanyl without his knowledge.
If that was the case, Bons could have very well been linked to his death. An unidentified fan (Bons' ex) came forward claiming Bons was "shady" and had sold them "bad Xanax" in the past that "almost killed them." These are, of course, very serious claims. Unfortunately, Bons also ended up passing away before any sort of conclusion was reached. It looks like we may never truly know exactly what happened that night on his tour bus.

So as of right now, it's really not clear either way if Lil Peep was simply the victim of an accidental overdose, if he was sold bad Xanax, or "murdered" in another way – but one thing is abundantly clear. Every day, his fans miss him a little bit more. His legacy will certainly live on through his music and the lives he touched through it, so at least there's a positive lilt to what happened to this burgeoning up-and-coming rapper who was on the cusp of truly becoming a household name.