We Tried That: Coffee Mate Dirty Soda and Dr Pepper Is a Strange TikTok Combination
Some things just aren't meant to be mixed together, and you know what? That's totally fine.

Published March 15 2024, 11:26 a.m. ET

Do you ever see TikTok trends where users mix together two totally different things and they speak highly (almost too highly) of the results? That's the case with Coffee mate Dirty Soda creamer and Dr Pepper. Nevertheless, despite how it totally sounds like these things should never go together, we tried it out to see what all of the fuss is about.
I'm not here to claim that my word is the be-all-end-all when it comes to Coffee mate and Dr Pepper. We all know that tastes and preferences vary from person to person. But when I'm faced with a challenge that is virtually harmless, and involves eating or drinking something, I just can't pass that up. I also can't pass up the chance to share every (mostly) unedited thought I had about it.

We tried Coffee mate Dirty Soda and Dr Pepper.
According to the instructions for mixing Coffee mate Dirty Soda and Dr Pepper, all you have to do is pour creamer into a glass of the popular soda. The first thing I noticed right off the bat was the fun swirl of colors. Harmless enough, right? It even looks like an iced coffee of sorts. Again, no harm so far. And the carbonaton is still present after a few sips, so if you were worried about your Dr Pepper going flat right away, there's no concern there.
However, and I say this with the most respect to two delicious things on their own, they do not need to be mixed together. The coconut in the creamer is far too strong to mix with the sweetness of the Dr Pepper, and it's almost overpowering in some sips. There is a creamy taste, and it's not unlike that of cream soda. So if you like that, you might be more inclined to enjoy this combination of flavors.
But it's going to be a no from me, dog. When I tasted the Coffee mate creamer on its own, the flavor was much more palatable, and maybe it's a better option for coffee. But, despite what some folks say on TikTok, I wouldn't combine it with Dr Pepper again.
What is in the Coffee mate Dirty Soda?
According to its label, Coffee mate Dirty Soda has coconut and lime in it. From my experience, there is much more of an emphasis on the coconut. But it's all in the name of embracing trends and allowing customers to try out new things.

Leonardo Aizpuru, Nestlé Vice President of Brand Marketing for the Beverage Division and Business Unit, said in a press release: "The modern coffee drinker demands more from their brands — more flavor, more indulgence, and more opportunities to experiment with their favorite coffee products. Coffee mate is embracing exploration for any time of day."
Coffee mate Dirty Soda is available at grocery stores nationwide with a suggested retail price of $3.29 for a 16-ounce bottle.