Weird Celebrity Quirks We've Learned From Twitter

Updated Jan. 3 2020, 4:08 p.m. ET

A few days ago, Gene Simmons from KISS cavalierly revealed to the world that he puts ice cubes in his cereal bowl. It was a casual tweet that absolutely blew up the internet. But Gene Simmons is not the first celebrity to his weird habits and quirks on Twitter. Celebrities from Ice T to Martha Stewart to Kim Kardashian all have strange interests and things they do that prove, once and for all, that celebrities are not, in fact, just like us. They're much, much weirder.
1. Gene Simmons' ice cubes
No, Gene Simmons of KISS. No one else puts ice cubes in their cereal. In all the hullabaloo about the ice cubes, we failed to mention that he mixes Mini Wheats and Oreo O's. I know some people mix cereals, but these two are so different from each other. Everything in this picture is disturbing to me.
2. Ice T and bagels
Do you remember when we all learned that Ice T — who has played a New York City police officer on TV for the last million years and, you know, is a human being — has never in his life eaten a bagel? It is unthinkable. Does this mean he's never tasted cream cheese? Lox? Bagels aren't just bagels. It's a whole category of breakfast he's just never even entertained.
3. Seth Rogen's pottery
I do pottery and it's my favorite hobby in the world. But it's not something you'd necessarily have pictured Seth Rogen doing, is it? He does, though! And he's kind of great at it considering he started less than a year ago.
4. Stephen Colbert and 'The Lord of the Rings'
If you are a fan of Stephen Colbert at all, you know that he is Obsessed (with a capital O) with J.R.R. Tolkien and all things Lord of the Rings. He loves those stories so much that he did a full week of shows in New Zealand where they filmed the movies and made a parody video in which he plays Aragorn's brother, Darylgorn. The dude seriously wishes he was a hobbit.
5. Russell Crowe and maps
Russell Crowe came right out and said it; he loves maps. This is not the only time he's tweeted about them. "Maps," he wrote in 2013. "I love them. Love reading them, love planning adventures. Love seeing how things relate topographically." He's called himself a "map geek." Russell Crowe, king of maps.
6. Larry King and clocks
I cannot stop picturing Larry King just sitting in a room, surrounded by old clocks, cheering every time the hands move to a new minute. What a life. This is not the only time Larry King has tweeted about clocks (or, more specifically, Daylight Saving Time). He once wrote, "Changing clocks twice a year should be a national holiday." What can I say? The man loves watching clocks change time.
7. Kim's coat collection
Everything about Kim Kardashian's life is extremely normal and relatable, from her bleak Christmas decorations to her empty house to a highly detailed archive of all her coats and all the outfits she's ever worn with them. Supes normal. Everyone does that.
8. Martha Stewart and animal dentistry
Thanks to Twitter, we're now aware that Martha Stewart is way weirder than her pristine homestyle brand would have you think. Not only is she BFFs with Snoop Dogg, but she is also weirdly fascinated with animal dentistry. She has several posts on her blog from years ago that detail dental treatments her horses have received. Martha Stewart is the best.
9. Anthony Hopkins and his cats
Anthony Hopkins may be best known in film as serial killer and cannibal Hannibal Lecter, but on Twitter and in real life, he's just a big softie who's in love with his own cats. He posts several videos a week of himself hanging around his home, and many of them star his adorable feline, Niblo.
10. Sam Neill's pigs
Since Sam Neill ran from dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, he's grown a beard, turned into a silver fox, and started posting videos of himself hanging out with animals on his farm. He particularly loves his pig. And we particularly love him.