Man Spots "Weird" Detail on Dollar Bills That People Can’t Unsee Now

Updated April 7 2023, 12:31 p.m. ET

There's something inherently fun about conspiracy theories, why else would so many people get so stoked about reading into them and acting like Charlie from It's Always Sunny wigging out while creating boards that somehow tie together a bunch of seemingly unrelated global events to prove once and for all that the Freemasons are really behind PETA are who trying to pollute our minds with 5G and destroying the concept of sex and gender to make us prime for The Rapture?
OK, well maybe not that far fetched, but the best conspiracy theories are the ones that actually have a lot of credible points/evidence behind them that get people thinking. What's even more insane is that a lot of reports that were initially waived off as psychopathic meanderings ultimately ended up being true, like the fact that crack cocaine was introduced into specific neighborhoods by the CIA.
Gary Webb ultimately killed himself years after breaking the story and although he was decried as not exactly being a "journalism hero" despite the fact he shed light on the story. Mainstream media outlets ultimately dog-piled Webb for not following sound enough reporting principles.
And while this "find" from a TikToker certainly isn't as significant as discovering a Government agency is tossing hardcore drugs into communities as some kind of deranged social experiment, it still has a lot of folks talking.
Artur Simonian (artur_simonian) uploaded a clip on the popular video-sharing platform showing the fronts and backs of five US dollar bills: the 50, 20, 10, 5, and 1 notes.

He asked for users to try and spot the difference between the backs of all the notes to see if they noticed any thing unusual about them.

Obviously, each bill sports a different design/shout out to US historical government landmarks on the back, and different President's faces on the front.

However what Artur noticed is that there's an American flag missing from only one of the bill's buildings, and that's the $5, which sports Honest Abe on it.

While Lincoln is known for a lot of fine accomplishments, like being a Vampire Hunter (I know it's fiction but it's still real to me damn it) and being an amazing wrestler, he also preserved the Union of the United States of America, ended the Civil War and abolished slavery.
All of the other Presidents (and Hamilton who was never the big cheese) on the other bills, however, were slave owners, and they had an American flag featured on the buildings on the back of their bills.
While it can definitely be construed that the US Mint had some kind of "beef" with Lincoln, the US flag not appearing on the building could have other connotations.

Perhaps it could be a head nod to the fact that the future of the country's Union was in Jeopardy during his tenure as Commander-in-Chief? Whatever the reason, there were plenty of TikTokers who were just as shocked as Artur was to discover this tidbit. Of course, others wanted to know just how high he was when he made that connection.