Here Are All of the Presents You Can Nab in 'Fortnite' Winterfest 2022

Updated Dec. 13 2022, 6:25 p.m. ET

It's the holiday season again in Fortnite, which means that Winterfest is here yet again. Of course, it wouldn't be a proper Winterfest without goodies for gamers, and Epic provided a lot of them for Fortnite-ers everywhere. The biggest addition that Winterfest brings is the cabin. Players who log in to the game each day can take a stroll on over to the building and get one free gift. If you want to get another, you have to wait 24 hours and visit the cabin again.
To get your free gift, all you need to do is walk on over to the wrapped presents and select one. What's cool is that you can shake the boxes to get an idea as to what's inside.
Even though Winterfest is still underway, players have already managed to uncover what each of the different presents are — so if you like ruining surprises for yourself, you can figure out now what all of the presents are before you open them.

All of the Winterfest presents in 'Fortnite.'
In total, there are 14 different presents you can unlock during Winterfest in Fortnite. They are as follows:
- Arctic Adeline Skin
- Boom Bauble Emoticon
- Fa-la-la-Llama Back Bling
- Gringle Gift Wrap
- Har-Har-Har! Glider
- Lil’ Prancer Emote
- Ribbon Trail
- Rip & Tear (2016) Music
- Season’s Guffings Spray
- Sledgecracker Pickaxe
- Sled Ready Guff Skin
- Slushy Sneak Wrap
- When The Wind Blows Music
- Wintry Whirligig Glider
Unfortunately, you won't be able to unwrap them all in one day, meaning you'll have to log in each day if you want to get all of the possible presents available.
To unwrap each present, you'll want to make sure you visit the lodge when you log into the game. While in the Lobby, look for for the snowflake in the upper corner of the screen. Click "Visit Lodge" and then "Continue" (if this is your first visit).
Once in the lodge, you can then select which present you want to open. Unfortunately, you won't know what's inside of it until you open it — meaning you'll want to make sure you tune in every day of Winterfest so you can unlock every present available.
Winterfest will happen in Fortnite from Dec. 13 to Jan. 3.