These Ditto Disguises Are "Transform Pokémon" in 'Pokémon GO'

Published April 4 2022, 4:37 p.m. ET

It's a new month, meaning there are a series of new research tasks to complete in Pokémon GO. While many of the tasks available to trainers this month are relatively straightforward, there's one that seems to have a few tripped up.
Pokémon GO trainers are being asked to capture three Transform Pokémon in the game — but what are those? The answer is really quite simple.
What are Transform Pokémon in 'Pokémon GO'?
By "Transform Pokémon," Niantic is referring to any of the Pokémon that have the ability to turn into Ditto. Right now, this includes:
- Ekans
- Gastly
- Natu
- Surski
- Finneon
- Dweeble
- Swirlix
Ditto is known for disguising itself as other Pokémon, and it's actually impossible to catch a Ditto that isn't disguised in the game. According to Niantic, Ekans, Gastly, Natu, and Dweeble have a better likelihood of being a Ditto in disguise.

It's important to note that this list of Pokémon is different from the previous list of Ditto disguises — this means that Drowzee, Remoraid, Teddiursa, Gulpin, Numel, Stunky, and Foongus will no longer spawn into a Ditto.
All that being said, if you haven't yet caught a Ditto on your Pokémon journey, now would be a great time to grinding for one to earn the extra XP and rewards the developers are offering during this event.
How to complete the "Catch 3 of the Transform Pokémon" challenge in 'Pokémon GO.'
Unfortunately, just catching one of these Pokémon won't be enough to complete the task. Instead, you'll have to catch one of these Pokémon that is actually a Ditto in disguise for it to count.
On April Fool's Day, Niantic ran a limited-time event for three hours where these Pokémon had a higher chance of spawning, but if you didn't get a chance to catch three Ditto then, you'll have to hunt them down.
For those who are especially struggling, you should note that all of the Pokémon Ditto is disguising itself as in the game have a relatively easy catch rate, but Ditto itself doesn't. This means that if you encounter one of these Pokémon in the wild and are struggling to actually capture it, you may actually have a Ditto on your hands —so don't give up!