Here's Why Clay Is a Key Suspect in Bryce Walker's Death on '13 Reasons Why'
Updated Aug. 20 2019, 2:30 p.m. ET

With Season 3 of 13 Reasons Why right around the corner, you're probably trying to remind yourself of a few key plot points before jumping into the next chapter of what's going on at Liberty High.
Season 3 will center on the death of Bryce Walker and figuring out who committed the murder of this predator and bully.
And because Clay Jensen is shown standing by himself in the dark following the discovery of Bryce's body in the trailer, it's time for a refresher.
What did Clay do in 13 Reasons Why that might pin him as a suspect in Bryce Walker's death? Keep reading to find out.

What did Clay do in 13 Reasons Why?
Clay has been a mainstay since Season 1 and narrates Selena Gomez's executive-produced series. In the pilot, we see him receive a box of tapes from Hannah following her suicide. While most of the tapes are addressed to people who contributed to Hannah taking her own life, she outright tells Clay, "your name does not belong on this list."
"But you need to be here if I'm going to tell my story," she continues in Episode 11 of the first season. "If I'm going to explain why I did what I did. Because you aren't every other guy — you're different. You're good. And kind. And decent. And I didn't deserve to be with someone like you. I never would. I would've ruined you."
By the time we get this far in the first season, we've seen the trials and tribulations Hannah has had to deal with, especially at the hand of other male classmates of hers. First, there's Justin who circulated an underwear photo of her, then there's the time she witnesses Bryce raping her best friend Jessica, and the time Bryce rapes her.
And while we're expecting Hannah to divulge some incriminating detail about Clay's role in her suicide, what she ends up doing is walking us through the events of the party where Jessica was raped. She reveals that she only went to this party for Clay, and we watch as the two young lovebirds flirt with each other.

Eventually, they make their way up to Jessica's bedroom presumably to hook up. Clay kisses Hannah, and while Hannah is consenting to being touched by Clay, she flashes back to all the times she's been touched without consent and freaks out, throwing Clay off her body. "What happened? I thought it was OK," he said, confused, apologizing repeatedly.
"Get the f--k out" is all a traumatized Hannah can muster, though she quickly regrets kicking him out and kind of wishes he'd stayed. However, she clearly asked him to leave, which is why Clay isn't a true "why" in her suicide case.
And while Clay struggles with the fact that he wasn't present enough for Hannah in the moments leading up to her suicide, he clearly identifies Bryce Walker as a bully and predator who should be held accountable for some of the heinous acts Hannah's tapes reveal he committed.
Season 2 watches Clay lead the charge to bring Bryce to justice, and while Clay and Bryce initially started off as acquaintances, they become enemies after Clay finds out everything Bryce has done. This causes him to beat Bryce up in order to coerce him into confessing to his rapes on tape.
But while lawyers drop the prosecution of Bryce for his actions during Hannah's trial, Clay is determined to bring Bryce down. And that's part of the reason why it's so sketchy that he's the first person we see after the Season 3 trailer reveals that Bryce is dead.
Stream 13 Reasons Why on August 23 to learn what really happened to Bryce Walker.