Here's What Meliodas Actually Told Zeldris in 'The Seven Deadly Sins'
Updated Aug. 7 2020, 9:25 p.m. ET

The world of The Seven Deadly Sins is a complex one, with interpersonal relationships, secrets, and drama that goes a lot deeper than non-fans may realize. That's part of what makes it such an intriguing story, however. But there's one question that many fans have on their minds when getting into the show that may not seem completely transparent at first: What did protagonist Meliodas tell his younger brother Zeldris during a pivotal moment in the show?
If you follow The Seven Deadly Sins, you likely know exactly what we're talking about. It's an important part of the entirety of the show, for crying out loud — but there are some viewers just getting into the show who may want a bit of a primer. Luckily, we've got everything you need to know in that regard to help clear things up a bit if they're still slightly confusing. We've taken the series in and are ready to answer the million-dollar question. Hop on in and let's chat.

What did Meliodas tell Zeldris in 'The Seven Deadly Sins'?
Later on in The Seven Deadly Sins, Meliodas's brother Zeldris found himself enraged by the current Demon King's order to crown Meliodas as the new Demon King. In response, Zeldris launched an attack on Meliodas out of pure, blinding rage. Meliodas had no trouble subduing him, however, which only sought to anger Zeldris even further. But there was a reason for Meliodas to pin his brother down that went further than simply winning the fight.
While holding Zeldris down, Meliodas tells his brother that Gelda, a member of the Vampire Clan and Zeldris's lover, didn't actually die when she was thought to have earlier in the series. Meliodas notes that Gelda is simply sealed away, and he promises that he will release her as soon as he is granted the ability to become the new Demon King. This strikes a chord in Zeldris, and he agrees to concede, though he clearly doesn't want to.

Meliodas has such immense power that Zeldris does believe him, and although he does care for his brother, he can't wipe away all of the things he has done to make Zeldris despise him. However, this important promise goes a long way toward repairing their relationship — as well as Zeldris's relationship with Gelda in the future, if at all possible. Heartbreaking romances are a major theme in this series.
Of course, there's a lot more to Meliodas and Zeldris's relationship than that, but to see how things develop, you're going to want to make some time to watch The Seven Deadly Sins. The latest crop of episodes, Season 4, just hit Netflix, so you can see exactly what's happened up to this point by watching all of the previous episodes. There's still a fifth season on its way, so it's best to be prepared for the action that's bound to await you. There's a reason people love this series, after all.