What Does "304" Mean on TikTok? Social Media "Accountants" Already Know

Published April 1 2022, 1:00 p.m. ET
Social media users on TikTok have been confused about why some people say or hashtag the number 304 on their videos. TikTok is an app for all ages, which means that talking about inappropriate subject matters can lead to your account getting disabled or deleted.
Since users have to be very careful about what they talk about and post, they’ve come up with safe words, codes, and terms that allow them to discuss the subjects they care about most — even if those subjects might not be appropriate for the platform. So, what exactly does 304 mean? Here’s what you should know next time you see the hashtag on TikTok.
What does "304" mean on TikTok?
If you type the number 304 into a calculator and flip it upside down, it’s supposed to look like the word "h--." Whenever TikTokers are describing someone as a 304, they’re trying to say that person is a h--.
The top Urban Dictionary definition for 304 states it's “a way you can call a thot or b---h a h-- without actually calling her that.” This certainly isn’t the only codeword TikTokers use when they want to talk about topics — or use language — that could get them kicked off the app.
What are the other codewords and terms used on TikTok?
When someone on TikTok claims to be an “accountant,” it typically means that they work as an exotic dancer. "Accountants" on TikTok gain a lot of popularity by sharing their day-in-the-life videos, including how much cash they earn after performing on stage. If they were to tell their followers their real job title, they'd likely get removed from the video-sharing app.
TikTok "accountants" don’t only show off bags of cash. They also occasionally share fashion hauls of the costumes they wear on stage, makeup and hair tutorials on how to achieve their glamorous looks, and sometimes, swanky-looking pole tricks if they have poles in their homes. Many "accountants" avoid filming stage tricks at their actual job locations.
"Accountants" on TikTok who only dance are quick to explain how they differ from 304s. Dancing on stage and sex work are obviously two very different things and TikTok "accountants" will be the first to explain the difference.
“SW” are the letters used by sex workers to describe their professions on TikTok. As of now, they haven’t been banned for talking about their experiences as long as they use the two discrete letters whenever they tell their stories.
Hopefully, the TikTok terms SW, accountant, and 304 should make a lot more sense now!