'Roblox' Players Use This Three Letter Acronym to Respond to Roleplay Requests

Published July 26 2021, 4:59 p.m. ET
Every online community eventually develops its own nomenclature. Whether it's social media platforms or specific games with tons of players, there are phrases that spawn any number of ways. Sometimes they come about from inside jokes that have gotten out of hand, or sometimes they're just short-hand phrases that are specifically developed for popular in-game references.
Roblox is no exception. The massively popular online title is host to over 42 million players worldwide as of this writing. Naturally, gamers have developed their own lingo while playing, but there's one phrase, an acronym really, that has people wondering what it means in the context of the game: "ABC."
What does "ABC" mean in 'Roblox'?
For whatever reason, ABC is usually used as a confirmation when asking another player whether or not they want to roleplay inside the game.
ProGameGuides explains how it operates in the title as thus: "Commonly seen in roleplay games, it is typically a way for someone to respond to a roleplay request. The player may ask, 'Who wants to play as siblings? ABC me,' and the willing player will respond with 'ABC.' It is similar to asking someone to raise their hand."
So if you want someone to roleplay as your dog in the game, you'll ask someone to "ABC" you in response. This way, in the chat, there's no mistaking that they're replying to your request and are down to engage in whatever style of play you want.
There are some other terms that are used in Roblox, but other online communities as well, like "AFK" which just means "away from keyboard."
Another that appears to be specific to the game is "A/C" which means "accept or counter." This is usually presented when one player is attempting to trade or strike a deal for items with someone else online. If you reply "A" that means you accept, but "C" means you're going to make a counteroffer. "A/D" is used in the same scenario for "accept or decline."
Here are some other 'Roblox' terms and slang that are commonly used in the game.
We've compiled some popular Roblox terms and abbreviations that gamers might not be immediately familiar with:
- AA = Admin Abuse
- AOS = Arrest on Sight
- B) = Smiling with sunglasses
- Banned Forever = Roblox account banned
- BB = BrickBattles (or "baby")
- BBG = Calling someone "Baby Girl," usually as a taunt
- Beaming/Beamed = Stealing limited edition items
- Beaned = Banned
- Bloxxed = Killed/defeated
- Boosted Ape = Player who advanced in the game because of their friends, not necessarily great playing skills
- Comped = Compromised
- Cord = Short for Discord (Roblox filters out the name of the chat service, this is how players get around it)
- DD = Dishonorably Discharged
- Dog Water = Insulting another player's performance in-game
- EZ = Not challenging
- Fat Legs = Ugly Avatar (a reference to default character designs)
- Filterpass = Working around in-game chat filters
- Get Noobed = Usually a taunt from winning player
- Git Gud = Play better
- Go Commit = Telling another player to commit suicide
- H4x = "Hacks"
- KS = "Kiss" (blocked by in-game filters)
- LMAD = "Let's Make a Deal" indication a player wants to trade
- Mic-Up = Challenging a player to talk smack with them on Discord
- NGF = Trade nomenclature, "not going first" meaning they don't trust the other player
- Obby = Obstacle course and/or reference to a Roblox mini-game
- OOC = Outside of character; stepping out of the box of in-game role playing
- RAP = Recent Average Price
- Reee = Meant to mock someone over-reacting
- Salad Hair = Insult to Holiday Crown Avatars
- Slender = References thin and tall Avatar types
- UUC = Trade scamming
- Void = Done roleplaying, usually because one person is acting weird/out of bounds
Also, when replying "ABC" to any type of offer or request, make sure you're careful because many users are claiming that writing "ABC" is being seen as being complicit in in-game scams. Man, this is a lot more confusing than jumping on turtle's heads.