What Does Amber Johnston Do for a Living? The '7 Little Johnstons' Star Is Busy

Updated Feb. 9 2021, 4:04 p.m. ET

When 7 Little Johnstons started airing on TLC in 2015, Amber Johnston was a busy stay-at-home mom to the five children she shares with her husband, Trent. These days, Anna, Elizabeth, Jonah, Alex, and Emma are either already in college or are quickly approaching their high school years.
It makes sense, then, that Amber would take the opportunity to jump back into the workforce — and that's exactly what she's done in recent years.
Still, fans of the reality TV series have likely wondered: What does Amber do for a living? Let's take a closer look at what the 7 Little Johnstons star does to bring home the bacon — other than her family's TLC paycheck, that is.

What does Amber Johnston do for a living?
The former stay-at-home mom is currently working as a licensed realtor for Washburn & Associates, which is located in Middle Georgia. Amber has four years of experience, according to her Zillow profile.
The profile also reads, "Amber Johnston is dedicated to getting you the results you deserve, whether it is listing and selling your property or finding you the perfect property to call home."

Alex and Emma adorably created a commercial for their mom, based on the slogan, "Little mama sells big houses." (Check it out below.) There's no word about whether Washburn & Associates actually used their advertisement — but it's still pretty cute.
Amber's kids are proud of her career as a realtor.
"We are super proud of mom for becoming a real estate agent," Elizabeth shared with TLC in 2017. "Now that she's back to work, she may not be here most of the time, but she always works around our schedule. And we are super-duper happy for her and we're very thankful to her for all that she's done."
She went on to add, "Mom has talked about how being a little person does not have to affect your career."
"It's no different than some average-sized person being a real estate agent," Anna added. "Yes, you might have trouble reaching a lock box. But besides that, there's no negative thing about being a little person and a real estate agent."
Elizabeth also spoke on assumptions some people can make when it comes to hiring a little person.
"People see us for our height and think, 'Oh, that's a major disadvantage. We shouldn't, like, hire her for a job.' Or, 'She shouldn't be able to do this job because of her height.' But, no, that doesn't stop us," she explained. "Because we always believe that we can do it and we always find our way around it — which makes us have even more amazing work ethics, just like our mom does."
It's worth noting that at one point Amber and Trent sat down their kids and discussed the possibility of starting their own business.
“Dad and I have been really thinking about owning our own business,” Amber explained at the time. “But there is a lot of risk involved in opening your own mom-and-pop shop. We’re risking losing the house, losing the cars, we don’t know what tomorrow brings. However, we’re in this together.”
So who knows? Perhaps in addition to being a realtor, Amber will one day add "business owner" to her resume.
Be sure to catch 7 Little Johnstons at 10 p.m. (ET) Tuesdays on TLC.