Gen Z Has a New Definition for "Bop" and We Aren't Here for It

Published Aug. 21 2023, 9:37 p.m. ET
What do you think of when you hear the word "bop"? Maybe the lyrics to the childhood song "Little Bunny Foo Foo" as in, "Little Bunny Foo Foo, Hopping through the forest, Scooping up the field mice, And bopping them on the head." Or maybe you think of a good song as in, "That Little Bunny Foo Foo song is such a bop." Well, you'd be wrong.
We aren't coming for you because we were wrong too. Gen Z has a new definition for the word. It's truly harder keeping up with Gen Z than the Kardashians these days.
So, what does the word "bop" mean according to the kids on TikTok? Let's find out!
What does "bop" mean on TikTok?
Thankfully for all of us, TikTok user @theyhateonbrian1 made a now-viral video with 646.8K views, 20.5K likes, and 351 comments explaining exactly what the word "bop" means.
In the video, Brian says that a "bop" can pertain to men and women, but mostly women. He goes on to explain that a "bop" is, "Somebody who posts their body on the internet ... or somebody who just be getting around with everybody, who be linking with every dude, who be around all the dudes." He clarifies that this doesn't mean that a woman has to hook up with all the guys, but just that she is surrounded by guys. He gives an example of a TikTok with eight dudes and one girl.
Brian continues to say that when a girl posts her "body for views," she is a bop but it is the exact same with boys. He says, "If you're a man and mess with mega females, you're a bop," although the phrase does get used more often on females.
Other TikTok creators got in on the "bop" action, including @iamdlace. In this video, @iamdlace lists signs that your girl is a "bop." Some of the reasons include if you get in an argument and you break up and then she ghosts you for a few days but then comes back and wants to get back together, if she has a tongue ring, and if she has a high body count.
Hmmm ... although Brian said that being a "bop" goes both ways, both of these videos seem to have an air of misogyny. Like, it's 2023. Can we not do this? If a girl wants to hang out with a bunch of dudes, who cares?! She can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, with whoever she wants. Period.
So, babes and bops everywhere, if these men out here are calling you a "bop," own it. Bop with pride. Make the merch. We'll be the first in line to buy it. And to the boys calling these girls "bops," it's probably because you're jealous that they aren't bopping with you.