What Does "Drizzle Drizzle" Mean on TikTok? It's Part of a Broader Parody Trend
It’s part of a broader parody trend taking over TikTok called the “soft guy era.”
Published April 12 2024, 1:02 p.m. ET
For all of the joy that it gives its many users, TikTok can also feel a bit like a snake eating its own tail. It’s hard to know exactly what’s going on on the platform unless you spend all your time there, and why people might be using certain words or phrases.
In 2024, the phrase “drizzle drizzle” has been showing up in more and more videos, and if you don’t already know what the videos are talking about, you’re likely to be at least a little confused. Here’s what “drizzle drizzle” means, and how it’s connected to what some are calling the “soft guy era.”

What does "drizzle drizzle" mean on TikTok?
In order to explain the phrase, we first have to explain more about exactly what the “soft guy era” is. The movement seems to exist in response to women who refuse to date men who won’t take care of them, and don’t necessarily have their lives together. “Soft guys” are meant to be men who are just trying to get through the day, and are OK with being less than the very best versions of themselves.
This new era comes in direct response to 2023 “soft girl era,” when many women on TikTok tried to intentionally take a step back from the “girl boss” era and allow themselves more space to be imperfect. These women emphasized drama-free living and self-care, and also sometimes focused on more traditional family values and marriage. That movement was meant with plenty of praise, but also some criticism for some who wanted women to continue asserting their power.
Now, “soft guy era” is meant as a direct response. In most of the videos related to the trend, men say that they have given up on dating broke women, and now only want to date women who can take care of them financially. The videos are meant to be taken comedically, and often include men suggesting that they’d like to be taken to nice restaurants and have beautiful things purchased for them.
OK, so where does "drizzle drizzle" come in?
Now that we’ve explained the parody “soft guy era” videos, “drizzle drizzle” is just one small component of that broader trend. Many of the guys who have filmed videos as part of the trend have included the phrase in them, and it’s another element that seems to be designed to parody another TikTok trend. The original term being parodied is “sprinkle sprinkle,” which was first introduced on TikTok in 2023, and is meant as a retort asking to “Bless your heart.”
The term was originally used primarily by women, but “drizzle drizzle” is being adopted by men in response. Men seem to be supporting one another as they discuss their “soft guy eras,” and how much they feel that they bring to a relationship. The parody is funny, but also an important comment on the give and take inherent in almost any relationship. It’s stupid, but also kind of interesting.