The "Red Lipstick Movement" Is Making Waves on TikTok Decades After It Was Introduced
"Day five of wearing red lipstick to school until we get a new president."

Published Feb. 3 2025, 10:53 a.m. ET
Following President Donald Trump's inauguration for his second term in the White House and his proposed changes to the United States in every corner, those who are opposed to his changes have taken to social media to voice their concerns. And one way that some Americans are fighting back, so to speak, is with red lipstick. But what does the red lipstick movement mean, exactly? It made a resurgence on TikTok after people of different genders adopted it into their everyday life.
It turns out, the red lipstick movement isn't anything new. But it is being embraced by those who want to show how against they are in regards to Trump's executive orders, his proposed changes for minorities and those in the LGBTQ+ community, women's rights, and for immigration. And these are just a few of the issues that people in the red lipstick movement are taking a stand against.
What does the red lipstick movement mean?
The red lipstick movement actually came to be around the time of the women's suffrage movement in the early 1900's. Red lipstick was a symbol of rebellion for women who fought for respect and rights in a sea of men. When women began to march and protest for the right to vote, many donned red lipstick to draw attention to themselves and their cause. And, according to WNYC Studios, it was also a way to represent strength among women.
Madeleine Marsh, who wrote Compacts and Cosmetics about the history of makeup and beauty methods, told WNYC Studios that women began to use red lipstick as a symbol to take back what men might have seen red lipstick to mean regarding sensuality.
"On one hand lipstick is always being portrayed as about sexuality, but that strong vain and the power of women and the power of presenting yourself in a strong way is always there, too," she explained.
One user on TikTok shared a similar explanation of the red lipstick movement.
"The movement, which campaigned for votes for middle-class, property-owning women and believed in peaceful protest, had quite the connection to beauty," they explained in text on the screen in a video. "As these women fought for their rights, red lipstick became a part of their uniform, became symbolic of strength during a time when men were trying to strip that away from women."
TikTok users are trying to be part of the red lipstick movement.
Now, amid Trump's promises for major changes in the U.S., some TikTok users have decided to use red lipstick to make their thoughts known for their hope for change that goes against Trump's vision for America. One man shared his dedication on TikTok with a series of videos where he promises to wear red lipstick everyday "until we get a new president."
Other TikTok users have made videos showing themselves applying red lipstick while also explaining its significance for the women's rights movement from decades ago. For many, although it seems like a small step, the deeper meaning behind the red lipstick movement is important enough to keep it going.