If You Hear Someone Say They Want to "Swiss Cheese" You, It Probably Isn't Good
"Swiss cheese" might have more than one meaning on TikTok.

Published Feb. 27 2025, 12:29 p.m. ET
Nothing can make you confused like hearing or seeing a new slang phrase on TikTok and having no idea what it means. And if you're one of many who still don't know what "Swiss cheese" means on TikTok, don't feel bad. There are plenty of users who have made videos and left comments questioning what it means and why someone would say that specific phrase to someone else.
Luckily, we have a clear idea about what it means. But if someone happens to say it to you in any form, it doesn't seem good. Unlike some other TikTok idioms, Swiss cheese likely didn't originate on the short-form video social media app. But it has found a home among users of all ages, and those who don't quite understand it are still asking what the heck Swiss cheese means on TikTok.
What does "swiss cheese" mean on TikTok?
According to Urban Dictionary, somehow who is described as Swiss cheese is someone "who is shot full of holes." So, if you see someone on TikTok who says they want to "Swiss cheese" another person, or that they plan to go Swiss cheesing, that's likely what they mean on the app. A TikTok user shared as much in the comments of a video where someone says they aren't sure what it means.
But, the user added in their comment, Swiss cheese could have another meaning too.
"Swiss cheesing usually means pew pewing something or someone," they wrote, with 'pew pewing' meaning to shoot. "Or getting over or the better of someone. I've also heard it used as a fake person or fake sports fan."
But the meaning behind Swiss cheese being to shoot someone and fill them with holes, like Swiss cheese, seems to be the most logical explanation for what it means, especially given what Urban Dictionary says. On another video, one user commented:
"When I catch you in the streets SWISS CHEESE,
When I catch you in the sheets SWISS CHEESE,
When I catch you in the park SWISS CHEESE,
When I catch you in the dark SWISS CHEESE."
There are also numerous rap songs that reference turning people into Swiss cheese, or shooting them full of holes. And most of those songs came well before the phrase made its way to TikTok. Granted, more songs could come after some rappers or singers hear the Swiss cheese phrase on TikTok, but the meaning remains the same.
"Swiss cheese" has nothing to do with what "cheese it" means in slang.
There is another slang term involving the word cheese, which is "cheese it." But that hasn't yet made its way onto TikTok. And, given the fact that it means to run from the police, but also sounds extremely dated, it's unlikely that it will. There is no denying that TikTok has a way of bringing out the most random phrases and abbreviations, though, and that includes Swiss cheese.