SYBAU Is a Common Acronym on TikTok, but What Does It Actually Mean?
SYBAU is an acronym that conceals some profanity for TikTok.
Published Jan. 6 2025, 11:31 a.m. ET
Anyone who has spent any amount of time on the platform knows that acronyms are incredibly common on TikTok. And, you likely further know that users aren't always forthcoming about what these acronyms and phrases actually mean. If you've seen the acronym SYBAU circulating on the platform and wondered what it meant, you're not alone.
Unfortunately, many of the videos that include the acronym don't explain what it means or where it comes from, but that's where we come in. Here's what we know about the acronym and its meaning.

What does SYBAU mean on TikTok?
SYBAU stands for "shut your b---h a-- up," and didn't originate on TikTok. Instead, the phrase comes from the Black community and still seems to be most common in those corners of TikTok. As for what it means, that's hopefully relatively straightforward. SYBAU is an insult intended to tell someone to sit down and be quiet, and it's often used in circumstances where the person saying it is angry.
Of course, SYBAU is not the kindest phrase ever to circulate on TikTok, and many people are using it on that platform either to dismiss the content put out in another video or to discuss how they use it in their own lives. Regardless, it's not the kind of phrase that is going to help you stand out in a job interview, but it's one that occasionally circulates on TikTok and has its own meaning and cultural heritage.
TikTok is filled with these kinds of confusing phrases and acronyms.
Life online is filled with slang terms and phrases, but TikTok has an abundance that is unrivaled on the rest of social media. SYBAU is just the latest example, but everything from "foid" to "ISTG" has at one point or another had some users on TikTok confused. While the acronyms are often just abbreviations of common sayings, many people have never seen them written that way, and then get confused or can't work out what they stand for.
You might have heard the phrase "shut your b----h a-- up" before, but you've probably never seen it abbreviated, which might mean that you want to make sure the abbreviation means what you suspect it means.
TikTok users have a habit of abbreviating the more explicit sayings that are used on the platform so that TikTok's censors don't catch them, and users can still use them.
This method has been largely successful, but it does come with the increased likelihood of potential alienation. When some users don't actually understand the phrases being used in a post, they might not want to engage with it.
Some phrases become so common, though, that they slip into the mainstream of TikTok in an altered form. Abbreviations become commonplace, and you're left trying to figure out what they mean, even if there's a perfectly good reason for them to exist. SYBAU is confusing, sure, but any video that contained the unabbreviated phrase would probably never be seen by anyone.