Seeing a "W" in the Comment Section of Your TikTok Video Is a Good Thing

Published Aug. 2 2021, 2:36 p.m. ET

Sometimes new lingo can be difficult to understand. Like the word "cap," which went from meaning there's no "ceiling" to the greatness one can attain to now being just another way to say the word "lie." Strange indeed.
But then there are other terms, even single letters, that have pretty apparent meanings. Like "W" on TikTok. But don't feel bad if you found yourself asking: What does a "W" mean on TikTok?

What does "W" mean on TikTok?
If you watch or participate in any type of sports, or heck, if you even follow internet feud culture at all, then you'll know that "W" is an abbreviation for a win. It's the opposite of someone taking an "L," but can also be extended to mean that something is generally good.
For instance, if someone comments #W on a post, it can mean that they think your TikTok is a win. So if you see a bunch of "W" comments on a TikTok that you posted, then know that it positively resonated with several users and that you've received some validation from strangers on the internet, so you can go about your day feeling happy and proud of your accomplishments.
So naturally, #W and #L are polar opposites and can represent a wide range of different emotions in specific scenarios. If you didn't like the performance of your favorite sports team, you thought that a certain episode of a TV show wasn't as good as it could have been, or you really hated the catered food at some banquet wedding you didn't even want to go to, that's an #L.
"W," ultimately just means "winning."
Again, however, this is a very loose term that can be applied to a variety of different situations — the concept of "winning" is subjective.
So there you have it. If you long-wondered what those single letter terms mean on TikTok, you can fret no longer and comment #W's and #L's to your heart's content.