Seth Rollins Was on the Receiving End of the Most OMG Moment in Recent WWE History

Updated Sept. 8 2020, 1:58 p.m. ET

This past Monday Night RAW ended on a very violent note, and it happened on the heels of Seth Rollins' disqualification win against longtime heel, Dolph Ziggler.
As for who was behind the disqualification? Well it was the "Beast Incarnate" himself, Brock Lesnar. But his shocking appearance during RAW just didn't stop during Seth's match. The new WWE Universal Champion had a lot more in store for Seth.
Brock Lesnar has the kind of agreement with the WWE where he pretty much comes and goes as he pleases. It's gotten to a point, storyline wise, that you know he's going to be around for a while if he wins the championship belt. If he manages to get bested at a PPV, expect him to enjoy a long hiatus somewhere. Probably in a Canadian cabin, hunting Elk, and teaching his kids how to be Jeremiah Johnson.
So when he appeared during the Extreme Rules PPV to cash in his money in the bank and take on Seth Rollins for the WWE Universal Championship, fans knew that the bell was tolling for Seth's time as champion.
And that was pretty much solidified when Brock schooled the long-haired WWE standout and the referee rattled off the old 1-2-3, proclaiming the former UFC Heavyweight champion the winner.

What happened to Seth Rollins on Monday Night Raw? It wasn't pretty.
Dolph and Seth's match started with a bit of a head nod to the RAW Reunion, when Ziggler caught the ire of the crowd by Superkicking the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels. Dolph earned himself a series of boos by coming out to Shawn's "Sexy Boy" theme song. The match between Dolph and Seth was shaping up to be an entertaining one.
Then, a recognizable theme song started blaring over the speakers, and the crowd went wild.
Viewers probably thought that, for a second, it was just one of Paul Heyman's mind games, that surely the wrestler associated with such an ominous theme song wouldn't barrel out and interrupt the match, shortly after making an appearance just a few days ago?
But he did. Lesnar came out and began brutalizing Seth. He F5'ed him into a post outside the ring, and then followed him into the squared circle with a steel chair, beating him senseless with it.

Then, Lesnar set up the steel chair in the middle of the ring and F5'ed Rollins right onto the backrest, which caused Seth to spew up blood. Heyman then did something many fans thought was out of character, he begged Brock to stop the assault and started leading the newly crowned Universal WWE Champion out of the ring.
But it didn't end there.
Brock Lesnar continued to beat up an injured Seth Rollins in the ambulance.
Brock's carnage seemed to trickle over and intertwine with another RAW storyline — Roman Reigns was previously helping out The Usos who were getting beaten up by Gallows & Anderson.
Later, he stopped to check on Seth as he was being carted off and then, surprise! Out of nowhere, Samoa Joe showed up and started hammering Reigns, along with the OC. As the camera panned away from that madness, we watched Seth get carted into the ambulance.

Which was then stopped by Lesnar, who intimidated the driver to hold up, which he did. Do EMTs take a Hippocratic oath? If so, that guy just broke it. Anyway, Brock tore open the back door and pulled the gurney out the back and continued to beat the ever-loving heck out of Seth, F5'ing him onto the gurney's pointed side, kicking him, and making the former WWE Universal champ scream in pain.
This seems like an elaborate set up to give Seth some much-needed vacation time. He needed a beating that would be so bad, that it'd make sense he'd be "out" for a few shows. Not only that, but it also helps set up a few interesting storylines.
What will Dolph's reaction to the DQ be? Who will be the next person to challenge Brock? This beatdown seems to erase any possibility that Seth will be coming back for a title shot in the near future, even if he did manage to best Lesnar once already.
What I personally found most interesting was Heyman's horror at Brock's beatdown of Rollins. Will there be a rift between the two at some point? Will Brock become "unchained" and Paul will try to make "The Beast Incarnate" listen to him, but to no avail?
It seems like Brock's going to rule the title with an iron fist before someone finally claws the belt away from him. The only question is, who will the WWE pick?