Relax, Team Rumble Isn't Going Anywhere — Epic's Just Fixing the Game Mode

Updated Sept. 24 2020, 2:08 p.m. ET

When you're the developer of a massively popular online multiplayer game that's constantly receiving updates and available across multiple platforms, it's a tall order to make sure that the title runs smoothly. Any number of things can go wrong: from updates messing up existing features, to cross-console playability being affected by just about every new feature that's introduced. But is that what happened to Team Rumble mode in Fortnite?
What happened to Team Rumble in 'Fortnite,' and will the gameplay mode be back?
The feature is the game's second limited-time mode to become a permanent fixture of Epic's cash cow and it's undergone some changes throughout the years. Like the ability to drop common weapons and ending matches by the third zone if neither team is able to reach the target eliminations. The squad that accrued the most eliminations would win the match.
Season 3's Second Chapter saw the introduction of a correlation between target requirements and player count.

This correlation ultimately helped to curb the length of matches and frame them accordingly to the number of players in the game.
Rumble allows for two teams of up to 20 combatants each to fight for the first squad to hit 125 cumulative eliminations. After you get murked, you'll respawn in 5 seconds, along with a random inventory and ammo boost. Like 120 wood, 90 stone, 60 metal, paired with random bullet types for specific weapons.
Team Rumble also allows players to deploy and re-deploy their glider as many times as they like and only Rare Weapons or better are available in the popular game mode.
There are tons of people who enjoy Team Rumble games, which is why it came as a huge shock when the mode was disabled by Epic and people started worrying that it was gone for good.
So is Team Rumble gone? No, it most certainly is not.
When will Team Rumble be back on 'Fortnite' and why was it disabled in the first place?
The gameplay mode has been around for six straight seasons without issue, so it's understandable why so many people were freaking out when they saw it was suddenly missing. So, what happened to it?
Fortnite's social media PR team quickly took to the web to let folks know that the mode was disabled while they "investigate the respawn issue and others."
The "respawn issue" Epic is talking about pertains to a strange phenomenon some players are experiencing after they've been eliminated: instead of respawning in storm circles, players were coming back into the fray at a distance.
So Epic decided to have their developers take a look at the issue while Team Rumble was disabled.
It didn't take very long for Epic to resolve the problem, either. It was only about 12 hours since they first tweeted about the issue and when they published the follow-up tweet saying that Team Rumble was up and running.
During that time, however, there were plenty of gamers livid that the mode was missing.
From the looks of it, it seems like the fix is working for those originally affected by it. It must've been a significant issue for Epic to have completely shut down Team Rumble to rectify the situation, however.
Did you ever experience any weird respawn issues in Fortnite's Team Rumble mode? If you did, are you still experiencing them? Or did Epic regulate?