What Happened to the 'Amish Mafia' Cast? Here's a Quick Update on the Organization

Published Dec. 13 2023, 2:04 p.m. ET
You might not have expected anyone in the Amish country to be involved in mafia-like activity, but the reality cast of Amish Mafia may have a few words to say about that. The reality series first premiered on the Discovery Channel back in 2012 and followed purported members of the titular "Amish Mafia" of Lancaster County in Pennsylvania. The show followed the mafia's daily lives as they attempted to keep the peace in their Amish community and protect it from outsiders.
The series' legitimacy was in question throughout its four-season run up until it ended in 2015. In fact, the existence of an Amish mafia has been widely refuted by scholars and law enforcement, and the show has been criticized for defaming the Amish people at large.
Nevertheless, folks are curious about what's become of the reality stars of Amish Mafia since the show ended. Here's what we know about the cast's current lives.
Levi King Stoltzfus aka Lebanon Levi
Lebanon Levi was the purported boss of the Lancaster Amish Aid syndicate and was often portrayed as the last line of defense against power struggles in their area. Since the series ended, he hasn't been active on any social media. However, he did publish a book in October 2015 in which he describes both his Amish lifestyle and his time on the show.
Alvin Stoltzfus
Alvin was Levi's right-hand man on the show. He hasn't appeared much on social media since the series ended.
Jolin Zimmerman
Jolin was a Mennonite member of Levi's gang, which essentially allowed him to operate outside of traditional Amish restrictions.
According to The Cinemaholic, he last appeared in a video interview with The Black Amish Man Experience where he revealed that he lost his job in the oil industry.
John Freeman Schmucker
Despite being an heir to an Amish mafia empire, John doesn't seem to have had much else going on since the show's finale. The Cinemaholic reports that he became a dad to a second daughter in 2021.
Esther Shumucker
As John's sister, Esther often tried to use Levi's interest in her to curry favor for John within the organization. These days, she is active on Instagram as a motivational speaker and as a proud mama.
Merlin was presented as one of Levi's biggest rivals on the show as the boss of the Ohio Mafia. These days, he makes sporadic updates on Facebook where he discusses his Amish lifestyle.
On the show, Wayne was Merlin's "enforcer" and was often seen committing acts of destruction. He is reportedly no longer active on social media.
Alan Beiler
On Amish Mafia, Alan was known for his status as a black Amish man. When the series ended, he went on to start his own YouTube channel, though he hasn't posted any new videos since 2020. He was also active on Instagram up until January 2023.
Caleb was a former member of Levi's crew. According to The Cinemaholic, he was last known to be a supporter of former President Donald Trump.
As another member of the Schmucker family, Freeman had an outlandish backstory of being supposedly possessed by the devil, which may explain some of his past arrests. He has no known social media presence.
Other former crew members like Crazy Dave and Big Steve lack any form of social media presence.