'Fortnite' Players Want to Know Just What the Heck Happened to Creative Mode

Updated April 19 2021, 3:56 p.m. ET

In December of 2018, Fortnite debuted its Creative mode and, like any new feature or addition to a game that millions of people around the world care deeply about, it caused a lot of dissension among gamers. Some people absolutely loved it and welcomed the mode with open arms, others thought it was a travesty and Epic Games should be ashamed of themselves for ever introducing it into Fortnite in the first place.
But what's happened to the mode in a short amount of time proved Epic was right.
You want to know how many people ended up playing Creative in Fortnite? There was a World Cup for the specific mode that gave out a grand prize of $3,000,000 recently, which is pretty darn significant for a video game tournament.
But fans recently noticed that after they logged into Fortnite to clock in some gaming hours, that Creative mode was, for some reason, temporarily disabled.
So what happened to Creative mode in 'Fortnite'?
In the past, whenever Creative or other game modes have been "turned off," it's usually because Epic Games had a meaty in-game event planned for the island, and since Creative games take a while to play, it's easy for players to miss said event. Once the event was over, Creative mode started right back up.
And it looks like that's what's happening right now. The Astronomical event just started, and @FortniteStatus tweeted to keep worrisome fans from flipping out too hard when they tried to get into a Creative mode but couldn't.
The Astronomical event is "a one of a kind musical journey featuring Travis Scott."
Epic Games has been quick to invite all sorts of artists and personalities into the world of Fortnite, which includes creating custom character Avatars based off their likenesses and concocting interesting events for them to participate in.
The in-game concert also saw Travis debut a new track, which ended up drawing in tons of players. Calling "Astronomical" a success would be an understatement, some 12.3 million players worldwide participated concurrently in the event.
Astronomical was an unprecedented success for a Fortnite in-game event: it's the first time that many players participated in one simultaneously, and the fact that one of the world's biggest artists right now, Travis Scott, decided to use the medium as a means of promoting his material and debuting some of his new work is a big, big deal and demonstrates the value of the game's global appeal.
What's really impressive is how well the art-direction team behind the event did with concocting the concert. The idea of attending a "virtual show" sounds kind of lame... however, just looking at clips of the concert shows how much attention to detail the creative team behind Astronomical had. There's also something to be said for how well the event utilized Fortnite's in-game mechanics, too.
Did you check out "Astronomical"? If you didn't, there are plenty of HQ videos people posted online of Travis Scott's first foray into the Fortnite world, so you can easily get up to speed.