YouTuber Danny Duncan Is in a Wheelchair After a Terrifying Injury

Published Jan. 24 2024, 8:22 a.m. ET
One of the most unexpected phenomena to come out of the YouTube generation is the popularity of pranksters for comedy. YouTuber Danny Duncan is perhaps the most famous of the YouTube bad boys with over 7.45 million subscribers. But in January 2024, he worried fans with some posts about the time he spent in the hospital.
Whenever Danny does something worrisome, it always turns out to be a prank. In August 2023, he staged a fake car crash of a Mustang driving into an RV, seemingly killing him. But it was all a prank, which he later apologized for. But now, Danny really does seem to be injured as he’s in a wheelchair in his latest video. So what happened to Danny Duncan?
What happened to Danny Duncan? He was hospitalized for an injury.
During Danny’s Jan. 15, 2024, video, he and a bunch of other influencers race around in cars and mopeds while playing paintball. While that may seem dangerous, that’s not what injured Danny. But around the 12-minute mark, a title card came up that said, “We weren’t filming but Danny tripped over his d--k and his leg was crushed by the weight of his balls.”
In the rest of the video, we see Danny get picked up and rushed to the hospital by paramedics as he agonizes in pain. Obviously, Danny didn’t trip on his penis, since that’s not really a thing that happens to anyone, nor would he be crushed by the weight of his balls. However, that’s a pretty funny way to satirize what really happened to Danny.
Danny Duncan dislocated his hip and is now in a wheelchair.
Danny filmed some of his time at the hospital, especially when he was going in and out of consciousness while on pain medication. While he kept us guessing for about a week as to what his real injury was, he finally revealed it in his Jan. 22, 2024, video with Gail Lewis.
At the beginning of the video, Danny is still in the hospital while doctors tell him that he dislocated his hip. When he asks why it was so painful, they explain, “It was pulling all your muscles and tendons and everything. There’s a lot of nerves there.” Of course, Danny double-checks to make sure his penis is still fully intact (it is), keeping up the comedy and good spirits while in pain.
When the doctors realize that he’s the famous YouTube prankster, they joke, “With all the crazy stuff you’ve done, this was bound to happen.” Danny adds, “That was probably the most pain I’ve ever been in in my life, I’m not kidding, even counting heartaches.”
The doctors add that his hip was completely out of place and that it was dislocated up into his chest. As they pulled it back into place, it moved a lot of soft tissue, so Danny will have bruising and pain in that entire area for some time. They warned that it could pop back out, so Danny has to stay in a wheelchair.
“We need a strong female presence to help me with my recovery, so we got Gail out here,” Danny says as he introduces Gail Lewis. Nothing can slow Danny down, not even a painful injury!