'Fortnite' YouTuber Fe4RLess Seems to Have Abandoned His Channel

Published July 14 2022, 2:17 p.m. ET

It's not unusual for creators with large platforms to occasionally walk away from them without much announcement — but it doesn't stop their fans from mourning their disappearance.
Gaming YouTuber Fe4RLess got his start uploading compilations of funny moments from his Call of Duty play sessions, mildly trolling those in his matches while adding funny commentary. He eventually started making content around Fortnite, which helped to immensely grow his channel to the 9.6 million subscribers he has now.
But you won't see any content for Chapter 3 of the popular Battle Royale, because he hasn't posted a video about Fortnite since December 2020. What happened to Fe4RLess, and why did he stop uploading to his YouTube channel?
Fe4RLess is known for having a spotty upload schedule.
Since he started uploading videos, the creator has never really had a consistent upload schedule, often going at least a month in between new videos.
It's been a year and a half since the creator last uploaded a video, posting "MINECRAFT OOF" on Jan. 1, 2021. The video currently has more than 19 million views, and though fans have been speculating for months as to when he may make another upload, it seems that Fe4RLess's hiatus isn't over yet.
There have been many theories as to what happened to the YouTuber, though none of them have been confirmed, as Fe4RLess has continued to keep the reasoning behind his departure from the internet a secret.
Many have theorized as to why Fe4RLess has stopped uploading, ranging from claims that he may not have liked Chapter 2 of Fortnite (as many regular players had issues with the map changes at the time), or that he's dealing with depression or a private health issue.
Unfortunately, there is no way to confirm any of these theories, as Fe4RLess has continued to remain mum on his reasoning for leaving his platform behind. He's made occasional appearances on other social media platforms, like TikTok and Instagram, though those are also few and far between.
Is Fe4RLess dead?
While Fe4RLess has never publicly commended on his reasoning for abandoning his online platform, he's previously admitted to dealing with some personal issues that have prevented him from uploading more regularly. Many viewers noticed in his later uploads that his tone didn't seem as cheerful as it used to be, and they've theorized he may be battling depression or dealing with some health issues.
Because of these theories, many have claimed at various points over the past few years that the YouTuber has passed away. In mid-2020, some online were claiming that he died of the (absolutely not real) illness "Ligma." His upload later that year clearly debunked the rumor.
But since then, there have been more claims of his death, with fans claiming as recently as July 2022 that he has passed again.
At this time, there is no confirmation that any of these rumors about Fe4RLess's death are true. While it's been a long time since the YouTuber has uploaded, it's entirely possible that he's just decided to leave his platform for the time being for personal reasons he's chosen not to share with his fans.