Here's What Happened to Max's Beautiful Wife, Georgia, in 'New Amsterdam'

Updated March 30 2021, 3:18 p.m. ET

The Season 1 Finale of New Amsterdam, titled "Luna," captured what could be classified as the worst day in Dr. Max Goodwin's life.
The action-packed episode saw Max's wife, Georgia Goodwin (Lisa O'Hare), go into labor. Complications soon emerged, leaving an already distressed Max with no choice but to work out whether he should choose to save his newborn or his wife first. But the tragedy was yet to come. So, what exactly happened to Georgia?
Georgia went into labor in the Season 1 Finale of 'New Amsterdam.'
Georgia was diagnosed with placenta previa early on in her pregnancy. To prevent further complications, she was put on bed rest. Further complications emerged in the Season 1 Finale of New Amsterdam, which put both Georgia's and the baby's life at risk.

Max and Dr. Lauren Bloom (Janet Montgomery) tried to do their best to help Georgia — but it became increasingly clear that she needed an emergency C-section. Max, Lauren, and Georgia managed to clamber into an ambulance in a crucial scene that gave viewers the false illusion that the crisis has already been averted.
Another storyline explored in the Season 1 Finale of New Amsterdam revolved around a lawyer who had a drug addiction. Desperate to make an exit, he ended up stealing an ambulance — which crashed into the ambulance taking Max, Lauren, Georgia, and co. to the hospital.

The Season 2 premiere of 'New Amsterdam' shed light on Georgia's tragic death.
The Season 1 Finale of New Amsterdam ended on a harrowing note — but it was only in the Season 2 premiere, titled "Your Turn," that viewers got the chance to find out what really went down at the sight of the horrid car crash.
The suspenseful episode gave way to a proliferation of new fan theories, as many were trying to work out which New Amsterdam characters made it out alive and who didn't.
"Done with season 1 and what a shocker. I hope none of the New Amsterdam doctors died in that accident. But I never would have wished for Georgia to either ... because of poor Max and Luna. Ugh," tweeted one fan.
"The way season 1 of @NBCNewAmsterdam ended was so mean. I need Season 2 right away. I just needed it to be September. I have so many questions. Is Georgia alive? Is Bloom dead? Is Sharpe alive? #NewAmsterdam," tweeted another.
As "Your Turn" revealed, it was Georgia who passed away. Season 2 of the show chronicled Max's attempts to grapple with her passing. He continued to see visions of her long after she was gone.
In a recent episode of New Amsterdam, titled "This Is All I Need," Max traveled to Connecticut to meet Georgia's parents — and to pick up his beautiful daughter. As he had to learn during a lunch date with Georgia's folks, Luna changed a lot in his absence. But once they got back to Max's apartment, all seemed to be going well for the father and daughter duo.
Catch new episodes of New Amsterdam every Tuesday at 10 p.m. ET on NBC.