Twitter Is Calling Sandra a "Quitter" for Leaving 'Survivor: Winners at War'

Updated April 21 2020, 4:02 p.m. ET

Last week, Survivor fans were shocked to learn that veteran Sandra Diaz-Twine basically quit the Survivor: Winners at War season. This was after the previous episode (on March 18) when Sandra got voted out by her own immunity idol, no less. Sandra has won Survivor twice already, so the turn of events is really surprising to people. Before you go and call Sandra a quitter though, find out why she decided to leave on her own terms.
So, what exactly happened to Sandra on 'Survivor'?
Last week's episode on March 25, we're taken to the Edge of Extinction. This is where players who have been voted out sort of just sadly hang around with the hope that they'll be brought back. Sandra was basically like "eff that," and decided she wasn't going to subject herself to the torture. "I already know this is not for me. Sorry, y'all, I can't be here. I can't. I'm not going to sit here for 23 days to fight my way through a challenge to get back in," Sandra explained.

Per Entertainment Weekly, Sandra described the situation. She said, "I went to Edge of Extinction for not even like two hours. And I was like, I'm not f---ing staying here." She also explained to the camera that she felt like her chances of getting back in the game were slim. She stated, "I'm happy to go into retirement and know that I did the best I could with what I had. At the end of the day, I'm still the queen and I'll always be the queen."
Another factor that Sandra brought up with EW is that she's pretty worn out! She was most recently a mentor in the previous season, Survivor: Island of the Idols. "I just finished playing for 36 days, took two weeks off, now I'm back here, it's day 16 and now we have to be out there [on the Edge of Extinction] for twenty-something days? I wasn't having it," Sandra explained.

Does Sandra still feel okay about her choice to leave?
According to Sandra, she literally does not care what everyone thinks and feels perfectly fine with her decision to quit Survivor. She stated, "So I don't care if they say 'Sandra quit Edge of Extinction because essentially that's what I did. That doesn't bother me one bit because I know my strengths, I know my weaknesses, I saw all those people out there on Edge of Extinction and I was like, 'I can't beat none of those jokers at nothing. I'm not sitting here for 23 days to suffer.'"
How do people feel about Sandra leaving?
The Twitter crowd is salty, to say the least. Some fans feel like Sandra is a quitter, while others seemed to get where Sandra is coming from.
How did Jeff Probst feel about Sandra quitting?
Survivor host Jeff Probst supported Sandra decision, telling EW, "There was 0.0 chance that Sandra was going to win a challenge against the group of players already assembled on the Edge." He added, "I don't think it changes her legacy in any way. Sandra is a legend. She is connected to so many iconic Survivor moments. So after 16 years, if Sandra is done, I'm good with that."
No matter what, Sandra will always be the queen in our book.