Tank's Future Hangs in the Balance on 'FBI: International' — This Is What Happened

Published Jan. 5 2022, 11:01 a.m. ET

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for Episode 9 of 'FBI: International.'
Now that FBI: International is back for Episode 9, everyone is worried about Tank’s future. Sure, there are a lot of great characters on FBI: International, but there’s no one we love more than Tank. Let’s be honest, most adorable dogs can do no wrong, but Tank is an exceptional pup. His role as an essential member of the Fly Team only makes us love him more.
Unfortunately, since the bombing, Tank has been out of sorts. Episode 9 of FBI: International finally answers some of our questions regarding Tank’s future. So, what exactly happened to Tank on FBI: International?

In Episode 9, we find out what happened to Tank on ‘FBI: International.’
While we knew that something was up with Tank before FBI: International went on its holiday hiatus, we had no idea what was really going on. Kellet suggests it’s the bombing that shakes Tank, but Forrester can tell that something deeper must be going on with his pal. A lot of people were worried that Tank would be written out of the series, which would simply be a surefire way to lose some viewers.
On the other hand, some expected to learn more about Tank and Forrester’s relationship, as well as Tank’s past as a cadaver dog.

At the beginning of the episode, we learn that Tank has to stay overnight at the veterinarian’s office. During this harrowing experience, Forrester reveals more to Kellet about his past with Tank. Of course, Forrester wants to stay with Tank, but he’s pulled away from the pup to deal with a hostage situation in Bulgaria (which consumes the bulk of the episode).
However, by the end of Episode 9, we get some answers. When the vet can’t get ahold of Forrester, Kellet approves an emergency surgery for Tank. The dog has not one but two potentially fatal lumps. Luckily, Forrester is able to make it home in time to be with Tank for the now-extensive surgery.
Does Tank survive the surgery?
Well, the end of the FBI: International episode leaves Tank’s future ambiguous. We want to believe that Tank pulls through the surgery and continues to be Forrester’s pet (whether or not he continues on the Fly Team). However, while he might pull through to Episode 10, Episode 11 is titled “Chew Toy.”

This could be a good sign — maybe Tank gets a new toy? However, the episode title hints that a chew toy could be a significant item in the episode. Is the team forced to remember Tank when he passes? Forrester could bring a chew toy around with him as a way to commemorate Tank.
Obviously we want Tank to survive, so we’re going to keep watching until he’s out of the danger zone … hopefully.
Tune into new episodes of FBI: International every Tuesday at 9 p.m. EST on CBS.