Here's What Both the Real Tuna and the Actor Who Played Him in 'Blow' Are up To

Updated July 11 2020, 11:29 a.m. ET

The 2001 American biographical crime film, Blow, is probably one of the greatest cocaine flicks ever made after Scarface, and it's one notch right above The Wolf of Wall Street. (Yes, I know that Wolf is about more than just coke ... It's full of quaalude and crack usage too.) All of the films, however, borrowed heavily from real life stories for their narratives, especially Blow.
The film's main character, George Jung was released from prison in 2017, but what happened to his pal, Tuna?
What happened to Tuna in the 'Blow' film, as a character?
The last George sees of this wonderful man is him walking down some railroad tracks and then he just sort of vanishes. George's faithful marijuana smuggling sidekick from the get go, Tuna sadly leaves George in their vacation home after Barbara dies of cancer and George skips bail to care for her.
Tuna was portrayed by the always awesome Ethan Suplee, but the character is based on a real life individual — one that the actual George Jung reunited with after his release from prison.

What's the real-life Tuna up to these days?
Tuna Wayno grew up in the '50s alongside George as best friends and was always down for a prank. The blood brothers separated for a few years when they both went to college in different cities after graduating high school from Weymouth, Mass. Tuna headed to Colorado while George went on to Hattiesburg in Mississippi.
There were a lot of changes going on in America in 1964 when the guys reunited. The civil rights movement had percolated into a national phenomenon, President JFK was assassinated and the Vietnam War had split the nation right down the middle, creating a huge amount of distrust between the American people and governmental authority. After meeting back up, the two had plans of moving to Mexico in the hopes of finding a new way of life.
They ultimately ended up in California, when they got involved in smuggling and selling large quantities of marijuana. While the film does a good job of showing those crazy, weed-selling days, not much is really shown about Tuna's life following the events of Blow. However, there are some rumors in online forums that paint a pretty crazy life for the man following his departure from the wild days of dealing mass quantities of pot.

A photo of Tuna from George Jung's Facebook account.
When George finally reunites with Tuna, he sees his pal used his drug money to buy a house and a boat in Cape Cod, living on the straight and narrow. George attempts to enlist Tuna's help in his new coke-dealing venture, but Tuna's not interested.
Here's where things get wild, however. Some forum posts report: "Tuna aka Wayno ended up in Scientology and moved to the Gold Base – the confidential de facto international headquarters of the Church of Scientology located in San Jacinto ... California."
It continues to get weirder, "He has a wife and is set money-wise. It’s implied that at some point Tuna’s money is drained and 'he ultimately ends his life just weeks before the cult is brought to legal justice in every country except the USA.'"
It's hard to believe that this is the case. Tuna may have joined the Church of Scientology, however he's still very much alive.
The real George Jung has posted pictures online of him hanging out with Tuna, and he's actually spoken at length about his real life misadventures in drug dealing, to boot. There's a docuseries about "Boston George" that's actually on YouTube, and Johnny Depp even makes an appearance in it and calls George one of "the most fascinating humans beings [he has] ever, ever encountered in [his] life."
Ethan Suplee, the actor who portrayed Tuna, underwent an incredible weight loss transformation
Ethan has always been a heavy-set actor, but he's been hitting the gym and has adapted a very strict diet regimen and looks positively buff. Just see for yourself.

So that's what's going on with all the iterations of Tuna. In the movie, he went on to do totally fine for himself, just like in real life. And Ethan Suplee is loving his new beefcake lifestyle too.