The Celestials Are Going to Appear in Marvel's 'Eternals' — What We Know
Published Aug. 19 2021, 11:10 a.m. ET

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) rarely disappoints, and fans have been eagerly anticipating the next movie. In November 2021, Eternals hits theaters, and fans have a few questions about the characters involved in the film. People want to know about the mysterious characters known as Celestials, who have a deeper connection to the Eternals.
Who are the Celestials? Here's everything we know about the legendary comic book characters and what they mean for Eternals.

Who are the Celestials? They've appeared in the MCU before.
The first mention of Celestials wasn't in Eternals but actually in 2014 in Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 1. In the movie, The Collector explains that the Celestials were the first to possess the Infinity Stones and utilize them against "lesser life forms." The head of a deceased Celestial is also used as the planet Knowhere and becomes a hub for space travelers in Guardians of the Galaxy and Infinity War.

Then, in Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2., Ego the Living Planet (Kurt Russell) is revealed to be a Celestial (in addition to being Peter Quill/Star-Lord's biological father). This was the primary introduction of Celestials into the MCU.
In the comics, Celestials are beings from the beginning of the creation of the universe. The first beings were split into two groups: "Aspirants," who were more servants of order without willpower, and "Celestials," who wanted a dynamic, constantly evolving reality. However, the Celestials were considered rebels, and the Aspirants created an enormous robot known as the Godkiller, who wiped out nearly all the Celestials.
Several centuries into the war between Aspirants and Celestials, Celestials gained the upper hand in an explosion that created the Marvel Universe of today, as well as the first Multiverse. Celestials "founded" Earth and began genetic experimentation on its inhabitants that created three subspecies: Eternals, Deviants, and humans. Some humans have a DNA strain that allowed for the development of mutations — the creation of mutants, like the X-Men.
At least one Celestial rumored to appear in Eternals is none other than Arishem the Judge, whose role in the universe is to determine whether a planet's civilization will live or die. Arishem the Judge will probably appear in the movie because of the dire mission hinted at in the latest Eternals trailer. The group has seven days to preserve the planet after the effects of Avengers: Endgame de-stabilized Earth.
During one part of the trailer, Dane Whitman (Kit Harington) asks Sersi (Gemma Chan) whom the Eternals answer to, and who told them to stay out of the fight with Thanos. The answer to his question is the Celestials. Thanos is an Eternal, according to comics canon, but there is no word on whether this will be addressed in Eternals.
While this deep dive into Marvel lore might be a lot to process, fans have faith that masterful Oscar-winning director Chloe Zhao will do her best to break it down for audience members.
Eternals will arrive exclusively in theaters on Nov. 5, 2021.