TikTok Explains What a "Silky Mom" Is and Users Are Claiming the Title for Themselves

Updated March 2 2023, 11:44 a.m. ET

TikTok teaches us something new every day. And, depending on what your FYP is like, it offers a treasure trove of tips, tricks, and advice for parents. This includes information about parenting styles, which now includes the "silky mom." Although the term was around before TikTok brought it to light, it's something that some parents didn't really have a name for until now.
So, what is a silky mom on TikTok? Needless to say, it's as far removed from the popular "crunchy mom" as you can get. But there's more to the description than simply being the anti–crunchy mom. And after one mom shared a video with her experience as a silky mom, others chimed in with comments about their own thoughts and feelings about laying claim to the title too.

What is a "silky mom" on TikTok?
According to TikTok, a silky mom is one who doesn't take parenting too seriously as long as her children are fed, safe, taken care of, and happy. That should go without saying, but you'd be surprised how up in arms some parents get about topics like vaccinations, breastfeeding, and potty training.
And as one mom puts it in her TikTok, potty training before 12 months old (or even shortly after) is a waste of time and the "cheapest" diapers are the best. She also shared that her kids are 100 percent vaccinated and that red dye is A-OK in her home.
Red food dye is another topic of debate among parents because red dye 40 can cause bowel disease in some individuals. It's also an allergy for some children.
Silky moms also embrace technology in a way that not many other parents do. We're talking sparse limits on screen time, within reason. Most of the time. Other times, reason is thrown out the window because many silky moms believe that screen time is sometimes necessary. And we aren't here to say otherwise.
Yahoo! Life describes silky parenting as modern and mainstream. Silky moms embrace medicated births and they're unafraid to choose formula feeding over breastfeeding simply because of preference. Like we said, they often take hard stances on hot-button topics.
You may instead be a "scrunchy" mom.
A crunchy mom is a parent very much unlike a silky mom. She prefers organic foods and maybe even clothing, and cloth diapers are preferred over disposable ones. She likely also leans toward a lack of vaccines and she tries out-of-the-box techniques for parenting.
But a "scrunchy mom" is what you get when you mix a silky and a crunchy mom. Scrunchy moms take the best of both types of parenting and combine them into a totally different parenting style.
But when it comes to parenting in general, there really is no "wrong" way to do things if your kids are happy and safe. But we'd be lying if we said TikTok doesn't constantly teach us a thing or two about literally all aspects of society.