TikTok Comedian Caitlin Reilly’s WASP Mom Videos Are Painfully Accurate

Updated May 18 2020, 12:09 p.m. ET

The video-sharing app TikTok is great for a lot of things — mostly, it can easily take up hours of your time with very little effort on your part, which is essential in these weird days. One of the best things about TikTok is when you come across a video that is somehow the perfect mix of super hilarious and super accurate.
TikTok user and comedian Caitlin Reilly has managed to do exactly that with the character WASP Mom. Her WASP Mom videos aren’t just hilarious. They also perfectly capture a very singular type of personality that most of us know all too well (either from having a WASP Mom or dealing with one at work). But what is a WASP Mom?
What is a WASP Mom on TikTok?
A WASP Mom on TikTok is the same thing as a WASP Mom in real life. WASP is an acronym that stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. The term WASP (which is pronounced just like the insect) first came into use in the ‘50s. These days, it essentially refers to people who are white, wealthy, and just kind of overall basic.
In Caitlin Reilly’s videos, the WASP Mom is a master of being passive-aggressive, asking for discounts, and demanding to speak to a manager. Perhaps not all WASP Moms are Karens, and not all Karens are WASP Moms, but there’s certainly a lot of overlap between the two groups. There’s also a lot of potential for hilarity.
Caitlin’s first official WASP Mom video featured her playing a “WASP Mom having a psychotic break during FaceTime.” In the video, we meet Cheryl, the titular WASP Mom. She’s talking with her friend (via FaceTime) about how much she’s loving how much time she’s getting to spend with her family at home due to quarantine. A slight quaver in her voice reveals that Cheryl maybe isn’t having the greatest time — and the fact that she starts downing her glass of wine at 10:45 a.m. pretty much confirms it.
WASP Mom Cheryl has made several additional appearances on Caitlin’s account since then. Two of them have become especially popular: WASP Mom Ordering a Pizza (“I would like some extra chili flakes — I asked for that last time, I didn’t get it, I was really dissatisfied, so if you remember that this time that’d be great!”) and WASP Mom at Olive Garden (“I live in the area. Can I get a local discount?”)
A bunch of people have started doing WASP Mom lip syncs.
People have already started doing lip syncs to Caitlin’s WASP Mom character: the true mark of success on TikTok. There’s just no denying how hilarious — and hilariously accurate — Caitlin’s WASP Mom impressions are. WASP Mom Cheryl is definitely the character who seems to have gained the most popularity (probably because we all know a Cheryl or two in real life), but Caitlin does a bunch of other funny impressions, too.
For instance, her impression of “the co-worker you hate during a Zoom meeting” is seriously next-level. Watching it made us simultaneously laugh and rage. Caitlin is clearly a master of observational humor that pretty much everyone can relate to. Your mom might not find her super hilarious, though, just FYI.