Chaos Magic Is the Key to the Entire Plot of 'WandaVision' (SPOILERS)

Updated March 8 2021, 2:57 p.m. ET

When it comes to ginormous flicks that become global phenomenons, it's difficult to think of a studio that's steadily producing more profitable content than Marvel, with its Avengers saga and other superhero properties. After the results of Infinity War and Endgame, Marvel decided to go in a different direction with WandaVision, which introduced Chaos Magic into the MCU. But what exactly is Chaos Magic in the Marvel universe?
What is Chaos Magic? It's the key to how powerful Wanda Maximoff really is.
If you remember the end of Infinity War and even End Game, Wanda was able to pretty much wreck Thanos all on her own. He was lucky enough to tap into the Infinity Stones in order to ward off her attacks, but lots of Marvel fans were surprised to see just how powerful Wanda was. But her abilities were never really fully explained in the Avengers flicks, nor was she ever called by her superhero/villain name: Scarlet Witch.

Witches practice magic (duh) and it turns out that this Chaos Magic is the source of Wanda's obscene potential. Yes, she was born a mutant, however, because she was born on Mount Wundagore, she was able to inherit this Chaos Magic. I know what you're thinking: What the heck does some mountain I've never heard of have anything to do with an Avenger who falls in love with a robot?
A heck of a whole lot actually.
An Elder God/Arch-Demon by the name of Chthon, who was the embodiment of this Chaos Magic, was sealed at Wundagore after an epic battle he ultimately lost. Chthon sensed Wanda's capacity for energy manipulation and due to her proximity to this mythical being, was able to inherit the Hex Powers that make her so darn right scary.
Chaos Magic doesn't just "alter" reality on a superficial level. It's so powerful that whoever possesses it has the ability to destroy the entire universe, no infinity gauntlet needed. In the comics, it's Agatha Harkness (played beautifully by Kathryn Hahn in WandaVision) who taught Wanda how to utilize her Hex Powers, thus making her "Scarlet Witch."
But Wanda wasn't aware of her true potential, so what changed?

Vision was basically given "life" after being imbued with the Mind Stone; it granted him sentience. Wanda's love for Vision and constant interaction with the Mind Stone expanded her own consciousness, thus tapping into her potential and making her realize her powers were even more profound than she could have ever dreamed.
Chaos Magic in 'WandaVision' basically blows the entire show wide open.
Warning: Spoilers ahead for Season 1 Episode 8 of WandaVision.
So Wanda basically used Chaos Magic to bring Vision back to life and create this tranquil paradise for herself to live in, but it's a utopia born out of immense grief.

Wanda's psyche has effectively altered the entire town of Westview because she can't come to grips with losing the love of her life, and it may have dire consequences for her and the Avengers. It's important to note that Wanda flip-flops between heroism and villainy throughout the comics.
What's the deal with White Vision? And will he fight Wanda?
This turn in WandaVision could set up Wanda as "Scarlet Witch" and one of the MCU's next big baddies, or at least a force majeure not to be trifled with. Couple that with the fact that SWORD has a Mind Stone-less Vision on their hands and this could have major implications for the Disney Plus series that has pleasantly surprised so many MCU fans.
We've yet to see Agatha's true role in all of this. Could it be that there are other forces at work in WandaVision, like the demon Chthon? Maybe Agatha's playing both sides so to speak, seeing if Wanda is capable of defeating Chthon. Either way, Chaos Magic has officially entered the universe.