Dobby from 'Harry Potter' Is One of the Most Beloved Characters of the Series, Here's Why

Published March 6 2022, 1:48 p.m. ET
In the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, there are dozens of amazing characters that have enchanted the hearts of fans around the world. Of course, we all love Hary, Ron, and Hermoine, but the people, creatures, and other beings around them have helped create a much more immersive experience. We've all taken quizzes to find out which houses we would be sorted into and what classes we would excel in.
For many fans, one of the most lovable characters in Harry Potter is Dobby. He's been an ally, friend, and more to Harry during his years at Hogwarts, but what exactly is he? There are others in the movies that look like him but it turns out that Dobby is in a particular circumstance that sets him apart from everyone else.
What is Dobby from 'Harry Potter'?
Dobby is a house-elf. But, he's not to be confused with the elves that work in the Hogwarts' kitchen. In particular, he served the Malfoy family who treated him horribly during his lifetime. Despite this, he always had a kind disposition and never let his masters keep him from doing what he felt was right. Throughout the Harry Potter films, Dobby did whatever was needed to ensure Harry was safe or had information he needed to ultimately save Hogwarts.
One of the first times we see Dobby is in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Here he secretly meets with Harry in the hospital wing of Hogwarts. He snuck away from the Malfoy family so he can warn Harry about the plot to reopen the Chamber of Secrets below the school.
As a house-elf, Dobby was basically enslaved to the family he served. Although Dobby in particular had talked about how he was abused and given death threats by the Malfoys.
The only way a house-elf can be freed is if they are given a piece of clothing from one of their masters. In his second year at Hogwarts, Harry gave Lucius Malfoy Tom Riddle's diary. He secretly put a sock in the pages and when Lucius gave the book to Dobby, he inadvertently freed the elf.
How did Dobby die?
Over the years, Dobby had consistently been a friend to Harry in particular. His loyalty, given to Harry by choice, was with him 'til the very end. In the Second Wizarding War, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were fighting against the Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange. Harry took Dobby and the four of them tried to escape the battle to Shell Cottage. Before they could vanish in a cloud of smoke, Bellatrix threw a knife at them.
Unfortunately, before they could disappear, Bellatrix's knife got Dobby in the chest and he later died on the beach in Harry's arms. Before he died, Dobby talked about what a beautiful place they were in and how nice it was to be around friends. His last words were "Harry Potter."
After he died, a funeral was held for Dobby at the garden of Shell Cottage. Harry dug a grave by hand where the group was joined by some of their classmates who also said their goodbyes.
You can watch all seven of the Harry Potter movies on HBO Max.