If the Himalayan Ice Hack on TikTok Seems Too Good to Be True, It's Because It Is

Published May 15 2023, 4:39 p.m. ET

If you happen to be someone trying to lose weight, the exercise lifestyle can be a struggle. Between adjusting your food options and rigorous workouts, it certainly isn't easy for folks who want to slim down to reach those goals. Since the very first moment that people began setting personal fitness goals, they've been understandably wishing that there was a quick and easy solution to meeting those goals. It's what makes fitness life hacks so popular, even if they're usually too good to be true.
Throughout 2023, folks on TikTok have been posting about the Himalayan ice hack. This method makes a lot of lofty promises, not the least of which is helping folks lose weight without exercise or dieting.
For people trying to slim down for their own reasons, it sounds like a dream come true, but anything that claims to change your body so drastically should always be taken with a grain of salt. So what exactly is the Himalayan ice hack? Here's what you should know.
What is the Himalayan ice hack?
We would love to explain to you what the Himalayan ice hack actually is, but there's really not a lot to go on aside from incredibly vague TikToks. Many of them tout how "simple" and "powerful" this hack is, which supposedly allows folks to lose several pounds within weeks without actually having to do anything. Reportedly, all you really need is to grab some ice from your freezer and combine it with an "alpine secret." If you do that before going to bed every night, then you should see weight loss results almost instantly.
What is this "alpine secret," you might ask? Well, there's not really an answer. Despite several of the TikToks spewing the same nonsense, none of them ever actually explain what to do with the ice in order to fast-track your weight loss journey. Folks have since deduced that this alleged "alpine secret" has to do with Alpilean, a weight loss/exercise supplement that you can purchase online.
There are no real reviews as to how Alpilean works other than that it's linked to the trending "fitness hack" in question.
Is the Himalayan ice hack real or fake?
The term "hack" as applied to real life usually denotes a simple but effective method you can use to complete a given task. To that end, the Himalayan ice hack for weight loss doesn't appear to be real. Any video trying to talk about its benefits never actually explains what it is other than trying to get people to buy a generic brand weight loss supplement with seemingly untested results.
For all intents and purposes, this "ice hack" seems to be a viral weight loss scam attempting to trick people into buying something. Each video has all the trappings of a shady ad campaign trying to talk about how great its product is without ever explaining what it is.
If you're looking to lose weight and thinking about adding supplements, you should always carefully research these substances to see if they're both safe and effective.